How likely is it that I’ll transmit herpes to my partner?
I was diagnosed with HPV a few years ago but does that mean I’ll always have it?
How do I talk to my partner about HIV?

Ask the Experts offers you the opportunity to ask questions that are answered directly by health professionals who specialize in sexually transmitted infections (STIs)/sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexual health.

The Ask the Expert service allows you to have an online dialogue with our team of medical experts—without ever leaving your computer! You can do it on your own time and your own schedule—no need to make an appointment.

Our online service allows for a back-and-forth discussion between you and the assigned expert for a fee of $25 per question, with 2 follow up questions allowed. In fact, sometimes we’ll need to ask you some questions to make sure we understand what information you’re looking for.

Learn more about the service and how it works and check out our panel of experts.