[Question #1004] Back again.

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102 months ago
I would like to thank you guys for providing this website and your knowledge. It really benefits people like me who do not have adequate doctors.

I had PROTECTED sex, twice in one night about a month ago. I did not get any symptoms the first 10 days, nor have I had any symptoms yet. I was also previously tested before this person, and I was negative for hsv 2- I have hsv 1 orally. I went to my gyno yesterday for an annual pap and she kept explaining to me that I still need to be checking for symptoms and showed me where. She mainly mentioned warts and syphilis, but now i'm scared. I feel like I have to continue looking out for herpes symptoms, and it's a dreadful thing. However, she also said it takes 6 months to test positive for HIV and I know that's incorrect, so I don't know if her advice is very credible or up to date. 

Anyway, I broke my wrist about 2 weeks ago and had surgery two days ago. I've been on pain killers for about two weeks, and around the time I started taking the pain killers, I noticed that it would sometimes burn when I pee or I would have to push to pee. Like i'll start peeing, and then it'll stop. Then I have to push again to empty the pee from my bladder. It hasn't really been burning lately, it's just weird to me that I have to push to pee and that it keeps stopping mid pee. I had her take a urine sample to see if I have a UTI, but haven't received the results yet. She also did an examine yesterday of my urethra and saw nothing abnormal.. she said everything looks fine. I want to know if there's a correlation between herpes and the difficulty i'm having peeing.

1. Do i need to keep checking for herpes symptoms a month out?
2. Could I have herpes inside my urethra? It doesn't really burn, it's more concerning that I have to push to pee and then it'll stop 1-2 times before i'm done. I have no itching, burning, or pain otherwise. 
3. Do you think there's a correlation between me having to push to pee & it stopping and herpes?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
102 months ago
I don't think you need to keep checking at this point for herpes symptoms.  If you happen to notice something abnormal, have it checked out but you don't need to focus so much
You could have herpes in the urethra but if you did it would REALLY burn - not be hesitant.  sometimes people with new herpes do have difficulty initiating a stream of urine but that sounds different than what you are going through, honestly.  I would be very surprised without any other symptoms if this was a presentation of new herpes

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102 months ago
Oh man, I'm kind of scared now. 

Like I said, the intercourse was protected both times. 

The symptoms started after 15 days, like right when I started taking the pain killers for my wrist. At first it started because it would burn a little when i would pee, and the peeing stream would stop and then i'd start to pee again. But the burning was only in the beginning or end, it wasn't a constant burning. Also, when I wasn't peeing nothing even burned or itched. I am having a hard time initiating a pee stream because I have to push, but it doesnt burn at all. My gyno even checked my urethra and said she saw nothing abnormal- no lesions or blisters. 

1. Can we cross off herpes in the urethra if my gyno did not see any lesions or blisters?
2. Would i get my first herpes symptoms 15 days after the intercourse incident?
3. Does it sound like herpes? What do you mean by the peeing stream wouldn't be "hesitant"?
4. From this point forward, can we cross off herpes as the reason for any genital symptom i get? I have not yet had any other symptoms other than this. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
102 months ago
If you had burning at the beginning and the end of urination, that definitely sounds like a classic UTI - one of the absolute hallmarks of a UTI is that kind of pain.

I think people with herpetic urethritis are often missed because they have some UTI symptoms and no one looks at their urethra - if they had, they would have seen sores.  You, on the other hand, had an exam which I think would largely rule out herpes in your situation.  And yes, 15 days is well outside the range  of normal presentation for first infection
