[Question #1006] Could this be genital HSV 1/2?
97 months ago
Dear experts,
Please see below chronology, followed by question. Please
note that throughout period, I was taking curcumin 500mg twice daily,
Ashwagandha 300mg twice daily, and Omega 3 1000mg once daily. Please note as
well that I am a thalassemia minor. I had one cold sore as a child.
June 23 (night): protected receptive anal intercourse with
June 24 (early morning – 5 hours later): brief (5 minute)
unprotected receptive anal intercourse without lubricant; no ejaculation;
partner claims to be HSV- as of Jan 2016; no visible blisters/ulcers on partner
July 6: minor itchiness in anal area; 1.5/10 itchiness level
July 13: diagnosed with gonorrhea from June 8 throat swab in
routine test; urine test negative. Received ceftriaxone injection and 1g of azithromycin
same day. Anal itchiness continues at same level.
July 16-17: international flight; missed night of sleep; feel
fatigued; itchiness continues. Rigorous exercise on July 17 (despite no sleep)
July 18: results for HIV, Hep B, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea
all negative from Jun 8 blood/urine sample
July 20: anal itchiness intensifies to 2.5/10; red patches
appear briefly on inner foreskin of penis, but disappear completely within 5
hours after application of coconut oil and turmeric powder; no fever; general
July 21: see family medicine physician; conducts anal scope
and inspects genital area; sees no clinical evidence for genital herpes (no
lesions/ulcers); attributes short duration of penile redness to skin irritation;
no fever
July 22-26: erratic (fluctuates throughout day) muscle/joint soreness
through pelvic area and legs, including, buttocks, thighs, glutes, quads;
occasionally knees and shoulders; soreness intensifies from 2.5/10 to 4/10 over
4 days; no visible lesions, though anal area raw and itchy (no redness);
occasional discomfort at tip of urethra when urinating (minor – 1/10); muscle twitching
all throughout body periodically (~100 times in the day), but concentrated in
pelvic area; no fever
July 26 (afternoon): see physician at STD clinic; finds no
sores/lesions and concludes not herpes
July 26 (evening): tiny pimple-like bump (0.7mm diameter)
appears on left side of perineum; no pain/feeling, and no surrounding skin
redness; only noticed through detailed inspection with mirror; in hairy part of
perineum (not middle)
July 28-29: skin rawness in middle perineum (not near bump);
no change in bump on left side of perineum (shape, size, type);
July 30: rawness 70% improved; no change in perineum bump; muscle
soreness and twitches 80% improved
Could this be genital HSV 1/2?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
Your risk would most likely be the brief unprotected anal encounter and a single encounter, though not zero risk, is lower risk, statistically. The symptoms that you describe are also not consistent with what I would expect from herpes. The only real exception is your description of skin rawness on the perineum - did the doc see this?
97 months ago
To clarify, I felt the rawness in the perineum for about two days (July 28-29), and it is gone now; but during that time, I inspected the area at least ten times times, and there was no visible redness. I felt it, though it wasn't visible. I also live in a very hot, humid country, and had generalized itching (with no redness) around the whole genital area, though I would describe the perinium feeling more as minor rawness than itchiness.
I should also mention that I took two doses of Valtrex -- 1g on the night of June 20th, and 1g on the morning of the 21st. This was before any of the muscle symptoms, and before I had seen a doctor about the symptoms. The anal itchiness by itself (as well as the fleeting red patches on the inner foreskin) were enough to convince me that I potentially had genital herpes, so I took the two doses to prevent a full primary outbreak. But after seeing my doctor the same afternoon (on the 21st), who said there was no clinical evidence for herpes, I stopped the Valtrex and haven't taken it since. The doctor said my night time dose of Valtrex on the 20th (the night before the appointment) would not have made the red patches on my penis go away completely within 5 hours, before my morning dose. That's why he attributed the foreskin redness that I saw to skin irritation (or possibly a yeast infection, though he said that wasn't likely).
Also, I've checked the small bump on the perineum again (which I've had for 5 days now), and it doesn't seem to be changing. There is still no feeling on the bump (although I've had sore buttocks muscles today), and it does not appear to be getting bigger, smaller, or changing color.
If the perineum bump were herpes-related as part of a primary outbreak, is it possible that is could be there for 4 days without blistering? Could herpes bumps just go away gradually, without turning into blisters, bursting, then scabbing? Or would you expect it to grow, burst, and scab eventually? It's behaving more like a painless pimple at the moment.
Thanks again for the opinion.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
Yes, if the bump was herpes,I would expect some kind of progression into something else - herpes lesions don't just stay a bump.
The likelihood of HSV 1 genitally is extremely remote indeed.
It's too bad you didn't get a baseline antibody test because now, if you test positive, you don't know if it is new or old infection. Perhaps it doesn't matter to you anyway.
The itchiness could most certainly be fungal, fits very well with what you are describing actually.
97 months ago
1) Could a PCR swab on the bump pick up on HSV 1/2 even if the blister has not bursted, ulcered, or leaked fluid? In other words, is PCR testing sensitive enough to pick up HSV from just the skin surface of the bump?
97 months ago
1) Could a PCR swab on the bump pick up on HSV 1/2 even if the blister has not bursted, ulcered, or leaked fluid? In other words, is PCR testing sensitive enough to pick up HSV from just the skin surface of the bump?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
2. Unusual but not completely impossible that this would be a true primary outbreak - you are watching carefully and I think you would be very aware if you had more symptoms. Most people who miss a primary infection are people who 1) already have HSV 1 infection and the antibody to HSV 1 keeps HSV 2 symptoms well under control or 2) confuse the symptoms with something else.
3. Not if it was primary herpes, no - not enough medicine to prevent a full blow outbreak of new herpes
4. That's hard to say but not likely. My guess is that the joint pains and fatigue are not related to the bump
5. I do think you can, but that's an opinion, not fact.