[Question #1010] about hand job
101 months ago
Hi Doctors,,
I have a question,, 2 days ago I had hand job with sex worker with condom, however my question is if there was a vaginal fluids inside the condom and I ware the condom in my penis did this action transfer HIV or other STD ??
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
I have to note this is your fifth question on the forum, and at least the last three dealt with obviously low risk exposures as known by all people. It should not be necessary to continue to ask such questions. Further, it is forum policy to deny access to people with repeated, anxiety driven questions, both because they provide little educational information for users (one of the forum's main purposes) and to protect the user from himself in repeated unnecessary costs. Today's question means you have spent $125 to hear information that everybody knows, or should. So this will have to be your last question. Any future ones will be deleted without reply, and without refund of the posting fee.
Hand jobs do not transmit HIV or STDs, even without condoms -- or at least so rarely it can be ignored. With condoms, the risk is below a measurable level, i.e. zero for sure. Whether or not secretions make their way under the condom appears to make no difference.
101 months ago
Yes I know Doctor and think you,,
this question not for me it's for my friend in Dubai ,, he had a problem a sex worker before he do the hand job she put some of her secretions in the condom before he wears the condom and after he wear it and finish he felt intimidated from HIV so this a zero risk or what ??
can you plz help me with your answer and I promise you this the last time for me
thank you
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
The answer is above: "Hand jobs do not transmit HIV or STDs, even without condoms -- or at least so rarely it can be ignored. With condoms, the risk is below a measurable level, i.e. zero for sure. Whether or not secretions make their way under the condom appears to make no difference." Your friend is not at risk for HIV from this event.
101 months ago
last thing Dr.Hunter,,
the secretions can not transport the Hiv ??
can you plz explain to me if you can think u
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Yes, secretions can contain HIV. But HIV causes no infection by contacting skin. Even for true sexual exposure, it requires large amounts of HIV for infection to be transmitted. Even for unprotected vaginal sex, with ejaculation in the vagina, the average transmission rate is only once for ever 1,000 exposures. What can it possibly be with the kind of exposure you ahve described. If there has never been a single case, do you really think you will be the first? Your thinking is irrational.
As a reminder, this is your last question on this forum. Do not be tempted to ask another. Good luck and stay safe (same advice to your "friend").