[Question #1016] coincidence or herpes
100 months ago
100 months ago
Since yesterday the tingling has left 100%. Only thing I have noticed today was some fatigue in the afternoon. I have also been taking melatonin since the tingling started and read it may make my anxiety worse. Last night I slept 10 hours off the melatonin and felt fatigued today. Im not sure if this is from the over sleep and massive anxiety, because the fatigue came in when I started getting anxious/nervous. The fatigue slightly reminds me of how I felt when I contracted mononucleosis 2 years ago. My main questions are 1. my doctor told me these signs Ive been having would've led to an out break already and secondly men don't experience these prodrome symptoms as women do. He is a very well respected doctor but that seemed odd that I wouldn't experience symptoms before hand aside from an outbreak. 2. Is it possible my anxiety and stress of this situation are causing odd symptoms? I am definitely going to get tested once I hit 4 weeks. I have not had any itching or burning, no swelling in genitals, no sores or out breaks. The only time I thought i had a fever was aside from the tonsillitis was from an anxiety outbreak when I took my temp it was a 97.5. With all the info I have given what is the likely hood I have contracted herpes. I know that some of these symptoms I have experienced mimic herpes, but I feel I would've have had an outbreak by now. Especially after 3 days of tingling (each day getting better, I had discomfort after swap but that went away by night) since then the feeling has left a whole day and still no sores. Out of curiosity would the sores come first then the fever eat or other way around?
I shaved my pubic hair one of the days and seemed to have a minor rash but my doctor said it wasn't herpe sores because they were not clustered and they were not painful I put bump fix on them (after shave type product) and it left.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
100 months ago
Honestly, Alex, nothing here sounds herpetic to me. Yes, people with new herpes can get fatigued and some might have tingling but other than that, nothing here concerns me for herpes. And fatigue is so general - you can get fatigued, I think, just from being continuously anxious for a long period of time - it wears you down. It has been over two weeks now since the encounter and I believe if you had contracted new genital herpes, you would have lesions by now. Yes, many people with herpes don't know they have it but I think a lot of that happens because people aren't noticing things - you, on the other hand, are observing incredibly carefully - probably too focused at this point.
You ask about fever - in my experience, they come around the same time - fever (if it happens) and sores.
You ask about fever - in my experience, they come around the same time - fever (if it happens) and sores.
100 months ago
Thank you Mrs. Warren,
As I said my doctor did not believe they were herpes symptoms simply tonsillitis then massive anxiety. I also contacted a former OBGYN now president of hospital (dear friend) and he told me the lesions would've occurred from the tingling, fever or massive anxiety and I even talked to my mother whom is a former nurse, they all said my other symptoms came from massive anxiety and lesions would've appeared by now. Also I contacted the lady I had intercourse with and she told me her last high risk encounter was several months ago and she feels she would've had an outbreak by now. I will still get tested anyway just to be safe, butter all of the feedback I feel very secure with the situation. And regarding the fatigue I noticed it left when the anxiety did along with the aches and pains and hyper sensitivity. I also realized the Azo took the tingling feeling away which has got increasingly better by day so obviously the tingling feeling has not been generated by herpes via nerve entry. The only symptoms I still have are testicular pain (until I wear compression shorts/jock strap) and the tingling sometimes which I suspect I just inflamed my urethra because the ago takes care of it. But thank you so much for the response I greatly appreciate it!
100 months ago
Better after* not butter(line four)
Azo* not ago (last line)
100 months ago
also I masturbated this morning just to see how things were and I noticed an hour after the very tip of my penis on the lowered of the slit was a little pink. Would this be herpes? or is it possibly just irritated?
100 months ago
Never mind I think it was from the underwear because I was wearing tight compression shorts and once I changed it has definitely went down by the minute, I think it was just irritated by the very elastic material.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
100 months ago
I actually think you are good here! You've lots of reassurance that herpes is so unlikely in this situation. Glad you think your concern is being caused by your underwear - me too.