[Question #1021] Mild Lymphocytosis

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102 months ago
Hi Doctor,
I had a sexual contact 4 years ago (2012). since that date, I had ARS symptoms. I have swollen lymph nodes all over my body. I did HIV test 3 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2 year and the final test was last month. I also did two blood donation after 1 year and two years after the incident. However, my lymph nodes get worse day after day. Now I feel pain in my gum when I eat and can't drink cold drinks for 1 year. I decided to do CBC (complete blood count) and the test showed that I have mild lymphocytosis. My question is what STD that can cause mild lymphocytosis other than HIV? and what are the complications that it can causes if it is not treated? 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago

Welcome to the Forum.  I'll be pleased to comment.  My sense is that your focus on a sexual contact 4 years ago as being related to diffusely swollen lymph nodes (I presume a doctor has made this diagnosis, not you, correct? is off base.  While several STIs can be associated with swollen lymph nodes (syphilis, HIV, and viral infections such as CMV or mononucleosis), NONE of them cause lymph node swelling which may last a long time.  Rather the lymph node swelling they cause lasts a few weeks at most, HIV being the exception and your  multiple tests for HIV are absolutely conclusive and do not need to be repeated.

As for your mild lymphocytosis, this may be normal person-to-person variation and even unrelated to your swollen lymph nodes.

I suspect this is all unrelated to your sexual contact four years ago and would suggest you seek evaluation and advice from your doctor or a good general internal medicine specialist.  EWH

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102 months ago
Thank you Doctor for Reply. My last question. Should I now be 100% sure that I don't have HIV and my symptoms are due something else or I should still consider it because it is the only STD that cause swollen lymph nodes for long time?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Based on the test results you describe above, you should be 100% sure that you did not acquire HIV at the time of your 2012 possible exposure.  EWH
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102 months ago
Based on your long experience, what is the STD that can cause swollen lymph nodes for long time other than HIV?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago

This will be my third response to your questions which have now become repetitive, therefore this thread will be closed later today.

This response is based not only on "my experience" but on fact and data from medical science.  Swollen lymph nodes are a non-specific finding which may be a manifestation of numerous processes, many of which are non-infectious or represent residual changes from prior, resolved problems.  As I said earlier, " While several STIs can be associated with swollen lymph nodes (syphilis, HIV, and viral infections such as CMV or mononucleosis), NONE of them cause lymph node swelling which may last a long time."  Even the lymph nodes swelling of HIV may not be long lasting and not all persons with HIV have generalized lymph node swelling.  Rather than fixate on the relationship of possible lymph node swelling due to a sexual encounter that occurred year ago, in the face of negative tests, I would once again "suggest you seek evaluation and advice from your doctor or a good general internal medicine specialist ".

Take care.  EWH
