[Question #1022] Hiv risk
101 months ago
Dear Dr....thanks for all ur help so far ..I had one question which hashould been bothering me ....I'm a bisexual male ...till today I haven't had anal sex or vaginal sex ...I did oral sex once after which I tested negative for hiv ...however recently I met a male ...we engaged in kissing and body play..we had our shorts and underwear on at all times ....however he began grinding his penis against my anus ....I also had my legs up n he tried to rub n pentrate his oenis against my anus..I felt slight pentration I think....however we both had our underwear and pants on and never removed them....my question is that can a virus like hiv pass through his pants and my pants and infect t me ...since I felt slight pentration but with clothes on ...plz help ...I'm very worried about this incident ...do I need to test ? Can hiv pass thriugh underwear and pants? I have ever been feeling good tired n weak since a few days ...no fever ....but I have a cold n slight sore throat...plz help thanks
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Dr. Hook and I take questions randomly; you got me this time.
But I'm sorry to see you back. With just a little logic and thought, you will realize that these questions were answered in your previous discussions with Dr. Hook. HIV is not transmitted sexually between men unless a penis enters another person's rectum or, maybe very rarely, mouth. There are not other possibilities, and as Dr. Hook told you, no STD can be transmitted through clothing. Your symptoms do not sound like HIV and have nothing to do with this sexual event, unless they are due to anxiety about it. It seems you are deeply conflicted about your sexuality and STD/HIV risks. You might consider counseling about it.
If you would like still further reassurance, have an HIV test. From a medical standpoint it isn't necessary, and I recommend you consider it solely for the additional reassuraince it might bring. You truly are not at risk.
Please note that repeated anxiety-driven questions are against forum policy. This will have to be your last question on the forum until and unless you have a real exposure or other new issue.
Best wishes-- HHH, MD
101 months ago
Thanks a lot dr....I do understand what you are saying....and also understand that it dosent transmit thru clothing ....sry fr being repititive but I just wanna mention that even though we had our underwear and pants on ...I could feel a slight penetration..n could feel his penis pushing.....would that still be fine ? Request ur help a last time...thanks again dr
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Still no risk. Be safe if and when you begin to have some real sexual exposures.
101 months ago
Thanks a lot dr...I actually recently tested fr hiv using the 4th gen duo test at 8 weeks but that was fr d oral sex I had ...that was non reactive..and happened to be 7 days after the exposure I mentioned to u that is the hiv thru pants...does antigen show up in 7 days in the test ? Is it OK if I don't test for this particular exposure as u said it's no risk ...also even if he had ejaculated n the semen touched my pants would it cause any std or hiv ? As me tinned we had our underwear and pants on at all times ...but I felt some oenetration ....am I totally safe from this exposure??thanks again
101 months ago
Also I have a small node in one armpit which is painful...plz help ..thanks dr
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Test results overrule symptoms, as long as enough time has passed from the last exposure to the test. No symptoms you have now or in the future, no matter how typical they seem to be, can be due to the HIV from the exposure described. Impossible. And HIV never causes just a single lymph node to be inflamed or enlarged. You still are "totally safe from this exposure".
That completes the two follow-up comments and replies included with each new question and therefore ends this thread, which will now be closed. Please note that repeated anxiety driven questions are against forum policy. You may not ask another question about this exposure or your symptoms; it you do, it will be deleted without reply and without refund of the fee.
Really, move on from this. If you cannot, professional counseling should be considered. Fears like yours are very abnormal after the repeated, reasoned, science-based advice you have had. I suggest it from compassion, not criticism. Best wishes and good luck.