[Question #1024] Chlamydia?
97 months ago
Good morning
After the first, the next day, I took azithromycin 1.5g but had eaten too much 30 minutes before, after 20-25 minutes I threw up .The next day I had unprotected sex with my wife.
This freaked me because I read that this may mean you have chlamydia (I had once chlamydia).
3g Phosphomycin was prescribed and a week of Phosphocin as the hard belly continued. She improved and the urine culture was negative, but now vaginal discomfort returns.
In the meanwhile, I tested with a PCR urine (I gave 80 ml , too much urine, versus the recommendation of 10-20 ml). The test was negative for chlamydia, gonorrhea and mycoplasma.
1. Could my wife have chlamydia?
2 . The wrong volume of urine could make my test a false negative?
Thank you
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
97 months ago