[Question #1033] worried about std

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102 months ago
About 3 weeks ago I got a hand job from a masseuse at the end of my hour massage. Nothing else just a hand job. About 4-5 days later I noticed itching. No burning when I pee. Feel the need to urinate more often though. Urine samples came back negative. I see no lesions or warts. My penis head is red in certain spots, especially near frenulum. Itchiness comes and goes. I have very pretty small white bumps on penile shaft that don't hurt, look like fordyce spots but idk. But now 3 days ago I noticed small white bumps on my lip that I have never noticed before, seems like more and more everyday. Can only see them when puff up lips. Again may be fordyce spots. Just freaking out over here, need help from expert. Doctors so far have said they see nothing wrong on penis or lips. But white bumps on lips are new to me. Going to dermatologists next week. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Welcome to the Forum.  I'll try to help.  I do not know if receipt of masturbation from others is a common experience for you and wonder if perhaps you might be over thinking this.  Irrespective, I can tell you that receipt of masturbation is safe sex with no risk for acquisition of STIs, even if your masseuse did happen to have an STI.  No STIs are transmitted by hand to genital contact.  This is the case even if your masseuse's hands had performed a similar activity on another client before you and had not washed his hands.

Further, frequent urination is not a typical symptom of any STIs and STI symptoms do not come and go in the manner you describe.  Similarly, non of the lesion diseases such as warts would produce visible lesions I. Just three weeks.

I would urge you not to worry.  I anticipate that the dermatologist will tell you that there is no evidence of STI.  When he or she does, I encourage you to believe them.

I hope this comment is helpful to you. EWH
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102 months ago
So herpes wouldn't show up yet ? I know it's likely my guilt, shame, anxiety pushing me to believe there is something wrong with me. I haven't slept or ate in days. And the random redness spots  on my penis head and itchiness don't mean anything ? I just never noticed any itchiness like this until after this experience. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
If you were going to develop skin lesions, this would have certainly occurred within three weeks of your exposure- that lesions have not occurred is a further indication that they will not.  The lesions you describe in not way suggest HSV.  As for your itching, itching is the most common sensation that persons experience when they begin to focus on one part of the body or another looking for symptoms. this is because normal sensations such as those of your clothing touching your skin or jewelry contacting skin are perceived as itching.  EWH
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102 months ago
So this red spot/rash I notice it's quite small. On the head of my penis redder than the rest of my penis head. It's a small patch. I'm not sure what it is and don't think previous doctors saw it. The head of my penis as it comes down to an end is a bit groovy and wavy/bumpy. I've seen penis' on web that look like this. I sense this is normal since my whole penis head looks like this. But this one spot is redder than the rest. Very tiny bumps but my whole head has these bumps can't distinguish if it's normal or mild herpes. I'm seriously freaking out. I ask you not to close the question yet even though I asked 2 follow ups. So I could respond again after derm appointment next week and then close it. Again only exposure is hand to genital, nothing else ever. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Nothing you indicate raises the possibility of herpes for me.  I think you are seriously over reacting.  I will not close the thread until I hear your results or two weeks pass, whichever comes first.  Nothing more to say until then,    EWH