[Question #1050] Herpes simplex 2

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101 months ago
My family doctor confirmed I have herpes simplex 2.  He said if I took 500mg of Valtrex 2x per day it would be a near zero chance of passing the virus to my new sexual partner.  He said since the outbreaks happen on the shaft, if I wore a latex condom and it worked properly (not breaking or coming off) it would be a zero chance of passing the virus to my partner.  He said the Valtrex will virtually eliminate outbreaks and pre-out break symptoms where it would be an "extremely rare" event.   This drug suppresses the virus if this level of confidence.   My question is:  Is what my doctor saying to me accurate?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
How did your doctor confirm that you have HSV 2 exactly? 
If you do have HSV 2 (and remember that from time to time, the antibody test can be wrong), using a condom and taking Valtrex would greatly lower your risk - one recent study found a 96% reduction in herpes transmission with consistent condom use - Valtrex also reduces transmission by almost 50% so you can see the numbers get very low.  I don't think I would say 100% to anything, especially since condoms break and there are a few exceptions, but darn close.

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
You should contact your doctor's office and see if you were diagnosed by blood antibody test what the exact number (index value) was for the positive result.  There are a few false positives on the test
