[Question #1053] follow up pt. 2

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99 months ago
Hello, I originally wrote a post explaining my symptoms (#1016) since the post all of my symptoms have left except some joint pain and fatigue. The last few days they have seemed to go hand in hand. First off my sleeping patterns have been hit or miss everyday. I recently have not had a consistent sleeping schedule. Upon waking up I feel like taking a nap even though I sleep 8 plus hours a night. However I have not been working lately and much of my day has consisted of just kind of laying around doing nothing. The joint pain is mainly in my knee (which I know herpes can cause joint pain) it is not bad just very mild and annoying. Sometimes I get it in my hip area but that is less common. The fatigue reminds me of when I contracted mono 2 years ago. Could I have reoccurring symptoms from driving my immune system down so much? Also the knee I have most the discomfort in was diagnosed with osgood schlatter disease when I was younger. The pain resides in the right knee on the interior side. I am 22 days past since I last had sex and have experienced no break out anywhere with all of symptoms I explained earlier being gone except the fatigue and knee pain which have both been hit or miss. The fatigue also seems to leave a little more when I am active for a few hours. But even though many doctors I mentioned before ruled out herpes along with your self could these symptoms strike new theory? Would one experience any prodrome symptoms and not have an outbreak? Do men only experience outbreaks or prodrome symptoms too? And what is the best testing method and when should I get tested for Herpes? I have heard a lot of scorn around the common IgG testing. If this isn't herpes could it be something else or just minor coincidences mixed with STD anxiety?
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99 months ago
Also I have not worked out in  a month which I was routinely doing before hand. 
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99 months ago
And slight minor back discomfort in the muscle not the spine. I also took advil and my knee still feels weird so would this mean it is related to my nerves not a general knee injury?
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99 months ago
Also I notice the joint pain only for a few brief minutes then it will go away sometimes to my IT bands, hip flexor (the one that always pops when I do leg lifts), elbow the one I usually pop or biceps tendon where I acquired brushy is from college football. Could an inflamed back be the cause of this? Because these symptoms seem to come mainly when I'm laying slouched for a few days not so much when I'm working. Also the fatigue seems to go away with a cup of coffee or when I'm busy it only seems relevant while I'm sitting. I web md my symptoms and herpes didn't even come up just inflamed tissue/tendonitis, but I have heard these symptoms can go with herpes. And even though I don't have any other symptoms And these are probably the most ambiguous of any symptoms I just want to make sure. Sorry about posting so many times I just always feel I leave out critical information. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
Joint pain as you describe is not related to herpes.  Some people who have herpes outbreaks do have fatigue with a first infection but that isn't common.  The herpes testing I would advise is the IgG test since you are continuing to worry about this.  Only about 5.5% of people who do the IgG test have a low positive that needs confirmation by another test and about half of the 5.5% confirm as positive and half don't so the test overall has about a 2.7% false positive rate - I think false positives are the biggest concern about the test but that can also be resolved with western blot if really necessary. 

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99 months ago
Ok I will stop freaking out and self diagnosing. Thank you for all of the time and help, along with the education you have provided along the way it is actually so much more accurate and helpful then what I have came across. Thank you again!
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99 months ago
Out of curiosity would hep C be a possibility? 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
Nothing in what you've written sounds like Hep C but I can't tell you for certain you don't have Hep C.  Easy testing though.
