[Question #1069] Herpetic whitlow question
101 months ago
I got a massage in Asia that included a very long and vigorous handjob. I had been to this person several times. This time she had a bandage wrapped around part of one finger. I asked her when it was over if it was from a cut. She told me that a spot had just appeared on her finger 2-3 days before and that she had no idea what it was, only that it was painful. The doctor had told her not to get it wet. She cleaned her hands and then because the bandage was wet took it off. It was a round blister/lesion, red around the outside with a bit of scabby yellow in the center. I've seen herpetic whitlow and gonorrhea photos that look similar. Assuming she got one of those from another customer and had an active outbreak sore under that bandage, am I at risk? How much risk?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
Was the band aid in place during the time she masturbating you? If yes, then I think the risk is low. how did the band aid get wet?
101 months ago
Yes, it was in place. It got oily from the massage oil even though she didn't apply much pressure with that finger. She must have taken it off after cleaning her hands. Am I right in assuming the risk would be very high if she hadn't had the spot covered?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
I wouldn't assume that since we have no idea if the thing on her finger was a herpetic whitlow or not. It could have been an insect bite, a cut that got irritated or infected, just no way to know what was doing on there. You've been to see this person several times - how would you feel about asking her more about it and expressing your concerns? If she had an active whitlow that wasn't covered and she masturbated you with that hand, yes, there would be so risk, but that's a whole lot of ifs and that makes it really low risk!