[Question #1076] Dermatitis of the penis

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101 months ago
This is my third time on the message on the message board. I've been tested for stds after having unprotected sex in 2009. All were negative including hsv2 and 1. I'm highly certain that I have a candida infection that is hard to clear. I've tried diflucan and clotrimoderm and it has not cleared. My penis head is red and has a film to it. Furthermore, there are faint white spots after I wash my penis. I'm highly certain I've contracted a yeast infection that is hard to clear. My eyelids are dark because of it and same with the partner I had intercourse with. Near the tip of my penis, it almost looks like you could peel it off. I've researched yeast infections, and they can be hard to clear. My penis is red, itchy, with tiny tiny red bumps - hence the redness. Please help me with the next course of action. Please. Thank you. 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Welcome back to the forum. Unfortunately, we can't help very much. As I pointed out in response to your last question, the large majority of genital skin problems are not STDs, and yours certainly is not. This forum is designed only to address STDs, not to diagnose non-STD genital conditions.

As for your symptoms, you don't say the reaoson you are "highly certain" you have a candida infection of the penis. If you have not been diagnosed by a dermatologist or other expert, I you cannot know for certain. Based on your description in your last thread, a fungal infection might be possible, but if so, I doubt candida is the cause. And there are several other possibilities as well. And whatever is going on with your penis is not the explanation for "dark eyelids". I also believe there is no reason you cannot be having sex with your partner.

So your "next course of action" should be to see a knowledgeable clinician, preferably a dermatologist. In the meantime, I suggest stopping all attempts at treatment:  no creams, ointments, or anything else for at least 1-2 weeks before the dermatologist sees you. Most likely an easy, straightforward diagnosis will result.

I hope this has helped. Best wishes--  HHH, MD

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101 months ago
Hello again. Thanks again for your help/advice. It's always greatly appreciated. Seeing as how the term sexually transmitted disease is now known as an infection and I am in such a great deal of pain after intercourse, it would seem likely to me that my poor aching penis has been fraught with something. Someday after six years of an aching penis and visting six doctors, I and the Physicians are still at a loss. My family physician and the 5 other Doctors have yet to give me the straightforward answer that I would love so dearly. It would mean the World to me to come to a decisive victory. Sometimes I'm bed ridden because the pain is so bad. I've also seen one of the World's leading dermatologists, Dr. Sapra, who lives in my town of Oakville Ontario here. He prescribed me a corticosteroid however it did not improve my condition. My family physician said "I'm fine", then said it is contact dermatitis. A Physician at the Hospital said yes it looks red. Based upon the given evidence that my Penis is red, and near the tip it looks like you could peel it off and there are white spots after I shower, it strongly suggests that it could be a fungal infection or Candida in otherwords. Do you think I could have a culture sample taken? Some Candida is hard to cure. It might be Candida Auris. Thanks again for your help. I am in such pain. I would give you the World to you to help me end my struggle sir. Thanks again. 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
That your penis is "fraught with something" may well be true. But there are innumerable "somethings" other than STDs.  In any case, this is obviously a complex situation. When multiple doctors have already weighed in after in-person evaluation, a distant online forum cannot add much and should not try. This is not a health care delivery service, i.e. no attempts to diagnose or treat anyone (as clearly stated in the forum's introductory pages). You'll have to rely on your doctors. Sorry I can't be of more help.

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101 months ago
I want to say thanks again Dr. Handsfeld. One day I'll get down to the bottom of this. There is no more that you or any other person could do on this forum except perhaps recommend me to another Dermatologist or Urologist in the Toronto area. I hope you have a great weekend. Love and hugs.

- David "The numb dick" de Sylva 

aka. Canada's finest
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Thanks for the thanks.  Best wishes.
