[Question #1084] Worried

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101 months ago

 I am 38 years old and on April 1 2016 I made a huge mistake.  I am married and had a one time encounter with a girl I had met.  We had protected vaginal and anal sex, the condoms did not break, but she performed unprotected oral sex on me. 

13 days after  I was tested for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV Antibody 4th Gen, Syphilis all negative

26 days later Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis  all negative

36 days later Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV Antibody 4th Gen all negative and then at 10 and 13 weeks Oraquick saliva HIV test also negative.

On or around April 21 my wife's vagina began to itch.   It lasted a week and then went away.  She tested for a yeast infection and It was negative.  Then the last 2 weeks of July I had Jock itch that I needed Lamisil to get rid of it.  Now last night August 13 my wife's  vagina started to itch again.  We have been married 7 years and never experienced anything like this. 

Could this be syphilis or herpes?  There has been no pain, no discharge or burning.  Just the itch.  My anxiety had finally went away after speaking to you guys a month or so ago and now I feel like I am going to break down again.   I am so worried.  Thank you so much.  You help so much

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago

Welcome to the Forum.  I'll try to help.  You made a mistake but now it is time to move forward from there. You do not say anything about your partner but most people do not have STIs and even when they do, most single unprotected exposures do not lead to infection.   Further, you used condoms which significantly reduce the risk for every STI.   Your tests 100% rule out the possibility of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and HIV.  While your tests for syphilis were performed too early to be reliable, the chance that you acquired syphilis is extraordinarily low and should not concern you.  Similarly, to try to suggest that you acquired herpes, did not have lesions yourself, and then transmitted infection to your wife who also has herpes without itching and only manifest as an itch is simply not plausible. 

You are paying far more attention to your and your wife's genitals than you used to or is healthy for you.  You need to address your guilt over your misstep and move forward.  since you are having such difficulties, my suggestion would be now to do one of two things- work through things with a professional counselor (whose services should be professionally confidential) or acknowledge your misstep to your wife and work through things from there.  Your current level of guilt and anxiety are clearly not doing you any good and may well be having a negative effect on your relationship with your wife.  EWH

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101 months ago

Thank you very much for the answer.  But is the itching without any sores  a symptom of herpes or syphilis?  I know my wife has not been with anyone else.

I don't know much about the girl I was with, other than there were no visible signs or anything or sores. 

It has been 4 and a half months since the encounter could any stds show up now that would cause itching? 

The oral sex she performed on me lasted about 7 minutes.  What are the odds of contracting something from receiving oral sex for that long and is there a chance the condoms might not have worked even thought they didn't break?

Thank you again so much

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Sigh, no itching without sores is not a sign of herpes,or syphilis.....in you or your wife.  Why are you so sure you have an STI when there is NO evidence that you were infected.  If your condom did not visibly break wide open, it do not break.  When condoms fail they break wide open leaving no doubt that they have failed.

Please read th 2nd paragraph of my original answer.  EWH
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101 months ago
My wife and I have never had itching like this before and I am guessing I am extra paranoid because of what I did.   I have never had an STD before and don't know the onset of symptoms or anything.  I have read so much on medical websites and there are so many different answers and time frames.  I guess I just don't know if an STD can still set in after 4 and a half months.  On a positive note I am not worried that I may have contracted HIV anymore. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Nothing more to say.  You asked for an expert opinion as to if this could be an STI (repeatedly) and we have told you repeatedly that this is not an STI.  I have nothing more to say.  As per Forum guidelines this is my third reply and therefore the thread will be closed later today.  I suggest you go back and read the replies we have already provided.  EWH---