[Question #1089] Worried and need answers
101 months ago
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me answer this question in detail and help me ease my mind.
I have not been sexually active in four months and was tested a month ago for herpes, gon, syphilis, chlymidia, ex... All came back negative.
Two nights ago I gave a guy a hand job and the oil that was used for lubrication got on the inner sides of my thigh, I changed my underwear before washing the lubricant off but the part that covers my genitals rubbed against my thighs as I was putting them on. How likely am I to contract something? If not can you please explain in detail how I am not likely to?
Thank you in advance!
I've been having anxiety about this and it's consuming my everyday life :(
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
So sorry to be late in answering your question - it was a general STD question but addressed to me so there was some confusion about who was going to answer your question but I will be happy to!
There is absolutely no risk in the situation that you describe, I am happy to report. That kind of contact in that place (the thigh - too thick for an STD to get in) presents no risk. Most STD's need a thin skin or mucous membrane to get into the body - a portal of entry. Then it also need a certain volume of virus or bacteria to cause infection. This situation doesn't apply for both reasons. Does that help? Please let me know if you still have questions, OK?
There is absolutely no risk in the situation that you describe, I am happy to report. That kind of contact in that place (the thigh - too thick for an STD to get in) presents no risk. Most STD's need a thin skin or mucous membrane to get into the body - a portal of entry. Then it also need a certain volume of virus or bacteria to cause infection. This situation doesn't apply for both reasons. Does that help? Please let me know if you still have questions, OK?
101 months ago
Thank you very much for replying (:
My main concern was the fact my underwear rubbed against my thighs and then covered my genitals.
I was worried about contracting something that way. Do you still think it's a low risk?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
I absolutely positively think there is NO RISK there at all.
101 months ago
Well it's been 11 days sense my encounter and I haven't had any symptoms but I'm still really anxious about it.
I was wondering if it even possible that any Std could live in or be transmitted through lubricant. Or would the lubricant kill it?
And I sometimes get random itches or irritations down there, sometimes feels like pulsating ; it could also just be because I shaved yesterday but would I feel the hair growing back already?
I still plan on getting tested at 4 weeks just to be absolutely for sure but until then I just don't know what to do to ease my mind.
I know this is probably all in my head, I just wish I knew for sure so I could stop worrying.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
The thing is that you thigh skin is thick and no susceptible to infection - bugs just can't penetrate. You describe your thigh being the exposed area. And even if the lubricant got on your underwear from your thigh and touched your genitals, there simply wouldn't be enough volume, given what you describe, for you to acquire an STD. It does take a certain volume of a bacteria or virus to infect someone - not just a single bug or even only a few bugs, does that make sense?
101 months ago
Thank you very much for your response! It's helped a lot!
I'm hoping you can help me answer this question and put my mind at ease.
Two days ago I received oral sex from someone who I'm pretty sure has nothing I need to worry about but I'm still worrying about it lol well my main concern is hsv 2 orally. I already have hsv 1 and from what I've read you can't get hsv 1 any place else after already having it for some time because your body builds up immunity to it.
But I'm wondering how common hsv 2 in the mouth is and if there's anything else I should be worried about contracting.
Thanks for your help :(
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
HSV 2 in the mouth is unusual, and when there, the HSV 2 recurs infrequently and sheds infrequently. It really doesn't like the oral area much at all. We don't know why the two viruses (HSV 1 and 2) have these site preferences, but they surely do. HSV 1 is less picky about it's location than HSV 2. And you're correct -once you have, say, HSV 1 orally, it would be extremely unusual to get that same virus in a new location on your body. Other STI's are unlikely to be transmitted orally - HSV 1 is the most common and you already have that.
101 months ago
So would you say my risk of contracting hsv 2 is low?
101 months ago
I'm also very worried because I noticed something that looks like a skin tag on my left labia. It's one little tiny thing.
I was tested for hpv & hsv on July 14th both came back negative and the only sexual contact that I've had has been the ones described in the previous questions.
So i don't know what to do :(
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
Yes, I would say your risk is extremely low, Annie. If you have something to see, have your provider check it out and see what they think. There is just no replacement for someone looking in person!