[Question #1095] hiv acquisition through herpes blister under pants?
101 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Welcome to the Forum and thanks for your question. You are correct, that contact with infected secretions during sex when an ulcerative STI such as herpes of syphilis is present is associated with about a three-fold increase in risk of infection. The good news however is that the situation you describe was a no risk event. There are several reasons I say this with complete confidence. First, STIs, including HIV are not passed through clothing, even if that clothing were to get wet with genital secretions. The second reason this was a no risk event is because the HIV virus, like other microbes causing STIs is quite fragile and becomes non-infectious on exposure to air. Finally, from a statististical perspective, the chances that the person who sat in the chair before you had HIV and then left infected blood behind that you did not see when you sat down is incredibly low as well. For any of these three reasons there is no realistic chance that you could have acquired HIV in this way and when you consider all three reasons, there is absolutely no risk to the situation you describe. No reason for concern, no reason for testing.
I hope that this information is helpful to you. EWH
101 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago