[Question #1114] Follow up to question #1101

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101 months ago
Hi Doctor,
My last question #1101 was realted to HiV risk for an opem mouth/French kiss that I had with a woman. I remember you told me that there is no need for test, but my anxiety got bettet of me, so here is the turn of events-
1)  Aug 10 - Deep open mouth kiss with a lady for about 2 mins, with breaks in between.  Not sure if she had any open sores/blood in her mouth.

2)  Aug 20 - Sneezing, congested nose and ear pressure.  Could it be ARS?

3) Aug 22 - 12 Days after the exposure, Alere RAPID Determine Combo Ag/Antibody negative. I know its too early, but how reliable this test is, percentage wise?

4) Aug 24 - Two weeks after the exposure, Clearview Rapid HiV negative. How reliable is this?

Sorry for my anxiety, but couldnt help it!! Based on the two tests above do I need to take the 28 days combo test? Or could I leave all this behind and move on with my life? Last 14 days have been like hell as I can't focus on anything.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Welcome back to the forum. But I'm sorry to see you remain concerned despite the strong reassurance you had from Dr. Hook. I reviewed that thread and agree with everything he said.

Because the exposure was no risk, it is not possible that any symptoms you have are due to HIV from that event.

1) There is never a risk from kissing, even if there are blood or sores in the mouth.

2) ARS does not cause cold symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion, ear pressure, etc. Sounds like you caught a cold.

3,4) Somewhere around 60-80% of newly infected people would have positive results at this time. 

You did not need HIV testing on account of this event or your symptoms, and from a medical or risk standpoint you do not need a combo test at 28 days or any other time and you certainly can "leave all this behind and move on with [your] life". However, since you have already started down that path, I recommend you have the combo test. If you do not, it is obvious you will continue to worry about having HIV. I'm hoping a negative result at 4 weeks will finally convince you there is no cause for worry.

Let's hold off on any further comments or questions until you have that test. At that time, feel free to return to tell me the result. It will still be negative.

Regards--  HHH, MD
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101 months ago
Hi Doctor
The anxiety bug bit me again, and today my 16th day 4th Generation Rapid Alere Combo test was negative!!!

1) Whatever symptoms that I was having with cold (started Aug 20), if they were indeed due to ARS, my todays' test would have been positive. Correct?

2) Do I have to worry about passing any STD/STI to my regular partner?

3) I guess its really time for me to move on and not to think about this anymore. I can't let my anxiety win every time.  I really don't want to go for the 28 day test. What do you suggest based on today's results? I understand that 28 days is the norm.

I know that you must have gone through all these questions numerous times, and I also know what you response would be. But sometimes its hard to control the anxious mind, and I am trying.

My apologies in advance if my questions are repetitive.

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Sorry, I really can't help further. This is a psychological issue for you, not one of STD/HIV risk and diagnosis. You're ansking the same questions as before, in different words. The answers have not changed and I'm not going to repeat them, except to say 1) yes, 2) no, and 3) I agree with the first part and see my reply yesterday. Stop testing unless you decide to do it at 28 days. Re-asking the same questions will result in no reply and immediate closure of the thread.

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101 months ago
Hi Doctor,
I went for it at 24 days as I would be out of the town around the 28 days mark; and my dual RAPID combo was negative!! I won't ask you to quote on the 24 days reliability. 

Its time for me to move on, and no more anxiety driven questions for you.

Enjoy your weekend, and you may close the thread.


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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
I'm glad to have have helped. But please note that the forum does not accept repetative anxiety driven questions, both to save users from themselves in terms of repeated spending for advice that will not change, and because such questions have no educational value for other users. Such repeat questions are deleted without reply and without refund of the posting fee.

Best wishes and stay safe.
