[Question #1118] Risk Assessment

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101 months ago
Hi Doctors,

I am 35 year old male and went to a Asian massage parlor on a drunken evening in NJ. I had unprotected breast humping and unprotected butt humping briefly but no contact with the anus or vagina. Proceeded to get a bj and vaginal sex with a condom. No breakage. Do i need to get tested for HIV,etc...and can i proceed to have unprotected sex with my wife? I have been married a decade and this is the 2nd time i have been unfaithful and the guilt has been rough.

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago

Welcome to the Forum and thanks for your questions.  I'm pleased to tell you that you are in the clear and that there is no need for testing of any sort related to the exposures unless you develop penile symptoms.  Here are the specifics:

1.  No STIs of any sort are transmissible from rubbing your penis on your partner's breasts of rear in- no risk. 

2.  Condom protected sex is no risk as well.  If the condom did not break and since yours appeared intact, you can be sure that it did not break since when condoms break, they break wide open.

3.  Finally, there is the receipt of oral sex.  There are no proven cases of HIV which have been acquired from receipt of oral sex, none at all so this is not a concern. Occasionally men can get gonorrhea or non-gonococcal urethritis from oral sex but these problems are clinically apparent and it sounds like you do not have symptoms.  If you were going to develop symptoms, you would do so within a week or so of your exposure. 

4.  Further, statistics are also on your side- most commercial sex workers do not have STIs and even when they do, only a small proportion or UNPROTECTED exposures lead to infection.  Thus even if you did not consider anything other than statistics, it would be unlikely that you would have gotten an STI of any sort form the exposures you describe.

If these were you only exposures, I would not be worried and I see no medical reason for testing.  I hope these comments are helpful.  EWH

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101 months ago
Thanks for the prompt reply Doctor. Can I continue to have unprotected sex with my wife? This event happened yesterday. Also, the bj was protected to clarify.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Thanks for the clarification on your receipt of oral sex, I'd missed that it too was condom protected.  that being the case, I would have no concerns about suggesting to you about having unprotected sex with your wife.  EWH
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101 months ago
Thanks Doc. I forgot to mention i had been diagnosed with hsv2 many years ago but i have very infrequent obs. Maybe once a year. Does this change your prognosis?
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101 months ago
Hi Doctor - 
Hoping you can answer my question above?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Thanks for the reminder, I had missed your follow-up question. This information in NO way changes my assessment or advice.  This was a no risk event.  EWH
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101 months ago
Thank you Doctor. I want to thank you and the rest of your team for the support you provide. Although all the information is available for us all reassurance from respected individuals is key to anxiety and guilt. Good luck to you all.