[Question #1123] Do medicines and herbal remedies affect the reliability of the STD tests?

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101 months ago
Dear H. Hunter Handsfield,

1)Does the intake of any medicine or herbal remedies  affect the reliability of results of HIV/hepatitis b/hepatitis c tests?

2) A few days ago, I got my results of HIV / Hepatitis B/C tests, which were negative. But a few days later, I found through the web, that the Test Lab which i visited is directed and owned by a clinical biochemist, and is mentioned in his website that he conducts the immunology tests. I just wonder if a clinical biochemist can conduct HIV / hepatitis b / hepatitis c tests, because in Greece the vast majority of blood tests in private Labs are done by microbiologists. 


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  I will be glad to comment on your questions.

1.  In otherwise normal people, there are no medications, vitamins or herbal remedies which would be expected to interfere with the results of tests for HIV or hepatitis B/C.

2.  The tests for HIV and for hepatitis are test kits which are manufactured by companies which have to go through a carefully regulated manufacturing process and typically have to perform up to carefully regulated standards.  this process makes the tests quite reliable no matter who the lab director is.  As long as the lab is licensed and approved, who the lab director is makes little difference in the reliability of tests. 

I hope these comments are helpful.  If your tests were performed in  a licensed lab you should have complete faith in the reliability of the results - I would.  EWH

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101 months ago
So, in your opinion, a Clinical Biochemist  has the knowledge to conduct HIV/Hepatitis b / Hepatitis c  tests?


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Yes, that is what my reply inidcated.  EWH