[Question #1129] Risks with Escorts
96 months ago
I’m a straight man in the US and I’ve had a very conservative sex life up till now. I’ve only had sex with my ex-wife but this relation has ended.
Now I want to have protected sex (condoms) including unprotected cunnilingus on escorts. I wonder about the risks for HIV, Hep-B, Hep-C. Also, the various oral cancers associated with HPV-16 and 18 or other STDs. It seems like menstrual blood, cuts or bloody gums would be a high risk. Is menstrual blood different than other blood?
I really appreciate the risk assessments in terms of numerical probabilities and percentages I see in many of the answers that Doctors Hook and Handsfield can give. That would be most valuable and appreciated. And studies which document these risks would be invaluable too. I would like to be able to have answers that would help me evaluate all the (crazy?) information to the contrary that I see on the web. I need numbers to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Also, are there vaccinations or other precautions and things to do to lessen the risks?
Big Thanks,
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
96 months ago
Thank You for your quick, thoughtful and comprehensive reply. Your thoughts on escorts are what I thought.
I still have worries about five things; one thing with menstrual blood and four things with pharyngeal cancer:
1. I don’t know how menstrual blood doesn’t pose a risk for HIV and Hep-C. I suppose blood is just another bodily fluid as far as risk is concerned. If that’s right, then I’m persuaded.
2. Next is pharyngeal, which is the one that scares me the most because it can kill you unlike warts which can’t. I’ve read that pharyngeal cancer is quite hard to detect and treat.
3. Also, it seems like I would very likely acquire HPV-16 from unprotected cunnilingus. You say “How frequently you do or don't have sex with escorts won't make any significant difference in your risk of pharyngeal”. Is that because any one who performs cunnilingus is sure to acquire HPV-16 in the first few episodes and any subsequent exposure would pose no additional risk?
4. And I’ve read about doubts/unknowns about the effectiveness of Gardasil in immunizing against HPV-16. How bullet-proof do you think I would be if I was vaccinated?
5. I’ve had the first dose of Gardasil-9 about 10 months ago but stopped after I got a bill for $469 for each dose (I’m over 26 years old and so I would need to find a less expensive clinic) and after I had some headaches (likely unrelated). If I continued now, do you think I could just continue with a second and third dose or would I have to start over from the beginning and get all three doses again?
The number (10,000 cases per year) is reassuring. I worry that they are all concentrated in men named Dean who visit escorts, i.e. distribution in the whole population isn’t even. If you know of any studies that break the distribution down, I would be extremely interested.
Thank you very much,
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
96 months ago
Dr. Handsfield,
Thank you again for your valuable reply. You mentioned several studies showing that HCV wasn’t a significant risk with the high probability of cunnilingus with menstrual blood. But how about HIV? If a man had bleeding guns or mouth sores and contacted menstrual blood during cunnilingus, that seems like a real risk for HIV. Isn’t that correct?
As you say, I believe my greatest risk is from HPV. I appreciate the perspective you have given me on this but I would really love to be able to quantify the risk and get a firm perspective for these infections as much as possible. So please tell me what that large national study you mentioned is, that shows no correlation between history of oral sex and oral HPV.
I did find a couple of things on the web saying a greater number of sex partners increases the risk of HPV-16 infection. One was a talk and study by Dr. Maura Gillison PhD. (JAMA. 2012;307(7):693) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22282321) and the other was an Oral Cancer Foundation (http://oralcancerfoundation.org/hpv/hpv-oral-cancer-facts.php) page. I think there is a similar statement on a CDC site but I can’t seem to find it now. Conclusions weren’t as straight forward as I would have liked and I’m not confident that I’m evaluating these things well.
Also, I’m already over 50, the age when this type of cancer starts to show up.
I agree that the number of oral infections caused by HPV is very low as a percent of the US population, but it seems like there is a much greater risk for men who perform cunnilingus on escorts. I’m interested in that large national study you mention and in any additional thoughts on HPV-16/pharyngeal risk please.
Thank you again for your time and very valuable responses,
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago