[Question #1132] cunnilingus hiv scared

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101 months ago
Hello I'm a 27 year old male approximately 67 days ago I had unprotected oral sex with a female status unknown.  I never had any early symptoms of any kind until I started surfing the Web after noticing a ingrown hair on my inner thigh immediately I panicked after seeing a bunch of stuff that it could of been that caused that so I immediately went and got tested for all stds including syphalis and hiv which was a 4th generation test and this was at 7 weeks exactly all tests were negative/non reactive. Either way I been all stressed after that and all the sudden I've had blurry vision burning feeling in armpits and diahreia so I went for another hiv 4th generation test at 8.5 weeks on 8-22-16. All these symptoms are still occurring I've not had a fever or rash but I'm still stressed out and can't figure out if my tests are conclusive or what I should do some advice would be great. Thank you

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question. The bottom line is that you don't have HIV (and almost certainly no other STD from this event) and needn't worry about it.

First, it is unlikely your partner had HIV. In the US or western Europe, the chance any particular woman of "unknown status" has HIV averages less than one in a thousand. Second, oral sex is safe sex, with low risk for all STDs and zero risk for some. HIV has never been known to be transmitted by cunnilingus, or by fellatio from an oral to penile partner. (The title of your question says cunnilingus, but the question refers to oral sex in general -- I don't know if there was oral on you. But even if so, there's no risk for HIV.) Third, your symptoms do not hint at HIV or any other STD -- not even close.

Finally, your test resutls prove you don't have HIV. The 4th generation tests are conclusive any time 4 weeks or more after the last possible exposure. And the HIV blood tests are among the most accurate diagnostic tests ever developed, for any medical conditions. The results always overrule both exposure history and symptoms. In other words, even if you had had a high risk exposure (you did not) or typical symptoms (you don't), test results always rule.

Syphilis is almost as rare in women in the US as HIV is. Second, your symptoms do not suggest syphilis. Third, your negative test is conclusive.

You don't mention other particular STDs, but all STD tests are highly reliable and your symptoms are not those of any STD. So no worries about any other STD either.

In conclusion, you can put this event behind you, stop worrying about HIV, syphilis and all other STDs, and don't have any more testing of any kind. If your symptoms continue, see a doctor -- but you can be confident they are not due to any infection from the event 67 days ago.

I hope this has helped. Let me know if anything isn't clear. Best wishes and stay safe--   HHH, MD

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101 months ago
Dr hansfield I have read mostly all of these post on here and I did forget to mention that it was oral both ways me on her and her on me regardless I appreciate u replying so quickly and giving me the advice that I needed to hear as for these symptoms I have no idea what's wrong with me.  So it's safe to say I can have sex with my wife and not worry anymore and I don't need any more tests is this correct?
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Correct:  you have nothing from this exposure that you can transmit to or that would harm your wife.

As for what's wrong, your symptoms are consistent with the physical manifestations of anxiety and stress. My guess is that once you become convinced you don't have anything (convinced emotionally as well as intellectually), your symptoms will fade away. But if they continue or you otherwise remain concerned, see a doctor.

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101 months ago
Thank you very much doctor after your first message I already started feeling better honestly I want to cry for joy again thank you and I defiently learned my lesson.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
That's the kind of message that warms our hearts and reinforces the value of our service. Thank you.---