[Question #1134] Recurrent symptoms

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99 months ago
I recently received a lap dance from nude dancer (I was fully clothed with jeans/underwear/shirt).  She did grind on me for a bit. About 20-24 hours later I began to experience a recurrence of my bladder pressure, urgency. No dysuria feels good to urinate) , no lesions or discharge. I just have this incredible sense of bladder pressure and frequent urination. I sometimes get pins and needle sensations in my pelvis and feet.
 I have had similar symptoms in the past after visiting a strip club. And had negative GC/chlmydia testing after both episodes.  I went to a urologist who said it may be Interstial cystitis.
My question is, does my most recent lap dance place me at risk for any STD. Do you recommend testing? Why the recurrence of symptoms?

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago

Welcome to the Forum and thanks for your question.  I'll be happy to provide you with some information.  You are at NO risk whatsoever from the events that you describe.  There are no STIs, including HIV which are transmitted through clothing, even when that clothing might be wet or particularly thin.  This is the case no matter how long your partner might have ground on you.   STI organisms quickly become non-infectious on exposure to the environment and "stick" to clothing fibers rather than passing through them. Thus there is no need for concern about STIs and no medical reason for testing of any sort.   Similarly, there is no reason to abstain from normal sexual contact with your regular partners.

As for the origins of your symptoms, bladder pressure and urinary urgency are not typical STI symptoms but are common symptoms of anxiety.  The tingling in your extremities you have experienced may likewise reflect the result of rapid breathing that can accompany anxiety. 

I hope you find my comments helpful.  Please do not worry about STIs from this event.  EWH

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99 months ago
Thanks for the help. Last question (hopefully). It us been 3 days and I feel occasional hot flashes, nausea, and pins and needles sensation around the body. Does that change anything? I have started to look into CPPS. I also dipped my urine and no bacteria or leukocyte a but there was moderate blood.
Thanks again and I appreciate your help 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
Non of the symptoms you mention change my assessment or are suggestive of an STI.  The presence of blood in your urine is no normal but is not suggestive of an STI.  I would repeat the test and if it is still there, suggest that you discuss this with your doctor. Such findings could be compatible with many non-STI causes including interstitial cystitis or even a kidney stone.  EWH 
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99 months ago
Thanks for your help. I guess I need to accept that my action did not result in an sti and move on...
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
that would be my recommendation.  I hope that you can do this.  Take care.  EWH
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99 months ago
Does your opinion change if I have developed a warm/slight burning sensation in my bladder area that occasionally radiates to the tip? Still no discharge about 8 days after the lap dance.
Thanks for your time 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago

You have already received three responses and Forum guidelines indicate that threads should be closed at that time.  I would add however that the additional symptoms you describe are more consistent with anxiety than any STI.  No change in my assessment.

There will be no further responses and this thread will be closed in a few hours.  EWH
