[Question #115] Genital Herpes from Handjob
112 months ago
A couple days ago I was at an Asian massage parlor. There was no sex or intercourse of any form involved. After the massage I received the usual hand finish and that was it. No oral, no kissing of any sort. While I was getting the hand job I did finger her with my hand but never touched myself with that hand until a rubbed it with alcohol.
The room was dim, so I could not see any sores on her hands or vagina. She did briefly touch her vagina before the hand job when she lubed herself and applied some of the lube to my penis
The next morning I woke up with a strong burn and itch on may butt checks and anus. A day later this followed with some itching in my scrotum. It's now been 3 days and all the symptoms I'm experiencing continue. Redness in my anus, itching and burning all around my anus, butt cheeks and scrotum is there. No visible blisters or sores though. Could I have contracted genital herpes. Should I be concerned and get tested?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
112 months ago
No, I do not believe that there is a chance that you acquired genital herpes from this situation. The things that you did with the woman were very safe indeed. I am not concerned about the touching of her vagina with the lube and lubricating your penis. There is a certain amount of virus that is required to infect another person with herpes and this situation simply does not, in any way, meet that requirement. I'm wondering if perhaps you were sensitive to the particular lubricant that was used? Have you seen a health care provider about this? Have you had "jock itch" (a fungal infection of the groin) in the past? The areas that you describe are frequently involved in fungal infections. I don't think you need to be tested for herpes because of this incident, no. I think you're good as far as this incident is concerned. Of course, I have no idea if you had herpes before this but if you didn't, I don't believe you got it from this encounter.
112 months ago
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I did not have herpes prior to this encounter. I was actually tested for a full panel a few months ago and everything was negative
I do not have a history of jock itch either. I'm just nervous that all these symptoms started immediately the next morning. I have not seen a health care professional yet regarding these symptoms. Do you suggest that I do even if you don't see any risk of herpes?
The other thing I forgot to mention in my initial post is that she spent a lot of time massaging my butt cheeks during the massage prior to the happy ending. There was no lube or lotion involved in that part. Given the amount of time she spent massaging those areas if she had sores on her hands could that extended massage cause the virus to transmit? Could herpes transmit from hands during a massage of inner thighs and butt cheeks. I'm just very uneasy with that burning sensation on the cheeks and anus. The itch on the scrotum also continues.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
112 months ago
honestly, I think the chances of you acquiring herpes in this way is incredibly incredibly small and if you tested negative for both HSV 1 and 2 previously, I might expect a more dramatic presentation of brand new genital herpes. Also, when people acquire herpes, they don't present with symptoms the very next day - it is more often like 2 days at a minimum with the average being 5.5 days from infection to symptoms. If you are still concerned, I would suggest that you go to see a health care provider to have a look at these skin areas and see if perhaps you have some other sort of skin irritation that can be easily treated.
112 months ago
Thanks again for your continued reassurance. You are a great source of support.
I had previously tested positive for HSV 1. I've had that since childhood from cold sores. Although HSV 1 is theoritacally considered an STD, I never really viewed it that way. Sorry for not having been explicit. I just recently tested negative for every STD but HSV 1.
Does that change your thinking at all? Would HSV 1 antibody's lessen the potential symptoms of a newly acquired HSV 2 or am I still over reacting like most of us in such circumstances do?
Is it all in my state of mind? As I immediately started thinking the what if, as soon as I walked out of the parlor and the next morning within 8 hours woke up with burning butt cheeks which was followed with the itchy scrotum in another half a day as well. This is now day 6 and all symptoms still continue.
Also is there anything over the counter that's recommended for this type of itch on the scrotum and butt crack.
Many thanks again for all your dedication and sincerity.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
112 months ago
If you have HSV 1 already, acquisition of HSV 2 is likely to present with fewer or no symptoms. However, again, I think this is unlikely in your situation, given the circumstances and your symptoms. There is really nothing that I would suggest to treat this itching without knowing what is causing the itching. And again, herpes doesn't show up 6 hours later - it takes significantly longer than that to present. I would again encourage you to have someone look at this area to see what it might be.