[Question #1159] Follow up symptoms

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100 months ago
It has been about 11 days since the lap dance (nude dancer, I was fully clothed). I continue with frequency and bladder pressure. I now have a weird tingling sensation in my penis today. I occasionally feel it in my legs as well. No lesions or discharge. All I had was a lap dance. Given the new symptoms, do you recommend any testing? Specifically for GC or chlamydia?
Thank you for your time.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
100 months ago
The responses from Dr. Hook make it clear you could not have acquired any STD from the exposure described, and therefore that no STD from that event can possibly explain any symptoms you have now or in the future. They call certain infetions sexually transmitted for a reason, and you didn't have sex. Accordingly, your additional "tingling sensation" does not change our opinions or advice. Dr. Hook's last reply included "the...symptoms you describe are more consistent with anxiety than any STI". That includes tingling.

Trust me on this:  It is IMPOSSIBLE that you acquired an STD from the lap dance. I am even more convinced that your symptoms indeed are anxiety and nothing more. Anxiety doesn't necessarily cause symptoms all by itself, but it certain can greatly magnify trivial symptoms that you otherwise wouldn't notice, or make you more aware of normal body sensations you normally would ignore. That's all that's going on here. Once you understand, accept, and believe this (emotionally as well as intellectually), your symptoms will fade away.

If you remain concerned, see your doctor. But there is no point in further questions here. There are no symptoms or "what if" questions that will come to mind that would possibly change our opinions and advice.

Really, mellow out. Nothing happened here. Do your best to move on without worry.


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100 months ago
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate your time (as well as that of Dr. Hook) and will do my best to move on.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
100 months ago
Best wishes to you.
