[Question #1163] STD or just anxiety?

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101 months ago
Hello Doctor,

around 2 months ago I ha unprotected sex with a gal in her late 40s, I am in my early 20s. The gal stated she was sure she didn't have anything because she had no symptoms and didn't have sex for over 9 months. Haven't talked to her sense I know she got an STD check and imagine she wouldve contacted me if she got something. I already discussed with terri Warren the concern for herpes which she ruled out. My first symptoms started with tonsillitis, I took a 10 day prescription of clarithromycin for it. During this time period I started to experience testicular discomfort. I never once had an out break, discharge or anything of that nature. My GP tested me a fw days later for the Clap and chlamydia with came back negative. Around that time (two weeks after exposure) I began to feel a frequent need to urinate (which azo took care of) and a tingling in the head of my penis. That went away after a few days, Warren said it was probably just STD anxiety. Now one month later the ache had reoccured in my left testicle, went to the doctor he diagnosed it as a small varicocele and benign cyst. I notice it flares after driving 4+ hours and goes away with my hips rested up or tight underwear. However sense then I have had no symptoms of nothing except anxiety which led to an anxiety attack this last weekend. Following the anxiety attack I have noticed a similar but less aggressive tingling feeling. It is definitely worse the more I think about it. I know my symptoms seem self explanatory but the last weekend I experience upset stomach, achy testicle every now and then and over all anxiety. Now I have the slight tingling feeling. Is there any wy these are STD based or anxiety driven, I have not received a check up for anything else besides the two mentioned my doc didn't feel it be necessary because of lack of symptoms. I also had a urine test which came back normal. Please let me know what you think
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101 months ago
Let me just simplify now I have given you the back ground. Pretty much I know I don't have ghon or claymadia I trust the tests.

1. Could my symptoms of the tingling rise for 2-3 days then go away for over a month?

2. I know I have STD anxiety I don't debate that, and I trust Terris expert opinion on not having herpes, because I have not had a single outbreak or sores, bumps, painful urination or ejaculation. And my fever went away with antibiotic treatment. 

3. Does any of these symptoms relate to anything besides anxiety?

4. Could anxiety be the cause for frequent urination and the feeling in the tip of my penis because for some reason internet forums and worry seem to go hand in hand. 

5. My GP is very well respected in my town with board certifications, do you think it is possible he could have misdiagnosed me after 4 visits. Also my mother is a health care professional in another state. I contacted her and other respected doctors. All of them said Im a hypochondriac. Would i notice any other symptoms if I had Hep A,B, or C, syphillis, or HIV or Trich?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  I'll try to help.  My sense is that your symptoms are related to your anxiety over this exposure  and are not due to STI.  You have already told me that your partner was not highly sexually active, had been checked for STI and would have told you if she were found to have infection.  In addition, I can tell you that STI rates are very low in 40 year old women , that most unprotected exposures to infected partners do not lead to infection, and  that STI symptoms virtually never come and go, nor do they include urinary frequency or testicular ache.  On the other hand, anxiety and searching for symptoms regularly leads to increased awareness of otherwise normal symptoms.  I am confident you did not get and STI from the event you describe and that you do not need more testing or treatment.  As for your specific questions:

1. Could my symptoms of the tingling rise for 2-3 days then go away for over a month?
no, this is in no way typical of an STI

2. I know I have STD anxiety I don't debate that, and I trust Terris expert opinion on not having herpes, because I have not had a single outbreak or sores, bumps, painful urination or ejaculation. And my fever went away with antibiotic treatment. 
And I am in agreement with Terri, there is nothing here to suggest you have herpes and no need for testing

3. Does any of these symptoms relate to anything besides anxiety?
I am not a urologist and so I cannot tell you if some of your symptoms might be due to your varicocoele (which is typically a benign problem that needs no treatment).  they are not suggestive of an STI as I said above

4. Could anxiety be the cause for frequent urination and the feeling in the tip of my penis because for some reason internet forums and worry seem to go hand in hand. 
Absolutely, anxiety could certainly be doing this

5. My GP is very well respected in my town with board certifications, do you think it is possible he could have misdiagnosed me after 4 visits. Also my mother is a health care professional in another state. I contacted her and other respected doctors. All of them said Im a hypochondriac. Would i notice any other symptoms if I had Hep A,B, or C, syphillis, or HIV or Trich?
I'm not going to call you a hypochondriac but I DO agree with those who have told you that you do not have an STI.  You need to put these concerns behind you and move forward without concern.  You certainly have no indication for testing or for treatment.  EWH
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101 months ago
Thank you Dr. Hook,

IN your response which I believe mightily in, only other thing that could come to mind is irritation from masturbation. I masturbate every so often, and yesterday I did so, very slight tingling occurred few hours later (was also wearing very tight underwear) and subsided a few hours after. This morning I masturbated again to make sure the varicocele was not affecting sperm production. And a few hours after this and a few forms (like an idiot) I noticed the feeling. Since then it has not gone away unless I am walking or doing something such as working out, ice seemed to help it. I believe you in this not being an STD, is masturbation potentially the issue at hand? Asim sure the hypers sensitivity from anxiety affects this. Thank you this is my last question, feel free to close the thread upon answer. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
If irritation is present, masturbation could certainly delay resolution of the irritation.  EWH