[Question #1165] Follow Up Question #1148

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100 months ago
Hi doctors. As much as i regret saying this, i still cannot shake my anxiety. I have admittably troll around the web for info, most of them seem to agree that oral sex is "no to very low risk". HOWEVER, one case in particular struck me, the case of someone contracting HIV when exposed to blood through oral sex from the urethra in the forum "the Body". I have to ask you doctors, does the presence of blood increases my risk of HIV when i receive oral sex ? Would saliva kill the virus in the person's blood in their mouth? If their gums bleed, would that present more risk to me or the one performing the oral sex? My exposure was 2 short oral sex where i was the insertive partner. She is not a CSW, and a married woman with a kid. Thank you Drs.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
100 months ago
Sorry. I would like to help but doubt I can. You've had the scientific facts from Dr. Hook, and his highly expert opinion that you were not at risk of HIV and did not catch it. It is your responsibility, not ours, to use that information to get past your frankly irrational anxiety about it.

A single unusual case found after compulsive online searching is the worst possible kind of evidence. Any particular person's belief about when, where, and how he caught HIV is very unreliable. And frankly I doubt it. In the 3 decades of the worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic, there have been NO scientifically proved cases of mouth to penis HIV transmission. None. If the case you found is real, it is the only one. Blood or no blood, the very fact of only one case proves how rare it is.

On top of all that, how realistic is it that your partner ("a married woman with a kid") has HIV? Of course she doesn't.

Since our advice has not convinced you there was no risk, have an HIV test. It will be negative. I hope that will help you move on.

Good luck--  HHH, MD

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100 months ago
I understand Dr. I had known her for 8 years and throughout those 8 years i have received a lot of oral sex from her. I wasn't concerned until now because there was a "reddish" patch on my penis with a small "crack" . I am not sure whether or not that was caused by her teeth or something else . I am also concerned as i suspect her husband of often visiting Brothels. I will get tested in the 27 day mark and will get back to you doc. My question is 1. After getting oral sex from her all this year and with a significant number of exposure, does it change my risk level ? 2.  Will you get tested if you are in my shoes doc? 3. Could it be possible that the "cracks" are just part of my penis skin, because it is still there after 9 days and does it increase my risk 4. Do saliva destroy all virus in blood in her mouth? I cannot stress how grateful i am for this service and to you doctors. Please respond doc...
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
100 months ago
1) Of course HIV/STD risk rises with each exposure. But let's say there really is a risk of HIV from oral sex, and let's guess it carries one chance in a million of transmitting the virus. If you had 10 such exposures, your risk would be 1 chance in 100,000. Still extremely small. 2) No, if I were in your situation, I would not get tested and would continue unrpotected sex with my wife. But I'm not you, and it's clear that my reassurance isn't going to settle things for you. (I'm not sure testing will do so, but it should.) 3) Billions of oral sex events around th world, and surely many of them were in the presence of penile nicks, cracks, pimples, etc. And still no known mouth to penis HIV infections. 4) Disregard the biology. I don't know whether saliva kills all HIV. But no transmissions; the biology doesn't matter.

Feel free to return to this thread one more time to tell me your HIV test result. But let's have no more comments or questions until then. There is nothing you will think of that could possibly change the opinions and advice you have already had, so let's not waste each other's time. (But why wait only 27 days? I can see it now:  "I was tested one day short of 4 weeks. Is my test result still valid?" Wait until 4 weeks or more for a 4th generation blood test, or 6 weeks for a standalone antibody test.) No more comments until then.

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99 months ago
Hi dr.Handsfield. I have been tested at 28 days and 20 hour or so with an HIV test using Abbott Architect with an Ag/ab reagen CMIA method. The result is as you say, negative. Is this result enough for me to move on ? Thank you so much for yours and Dr.Hook's help.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
99 months ago
Congratulations! No surprise of course, but glad to hear it. As discussed above, your test result is conclusive. You don't need more testing and and move on with 100% confidence you don't have HIV.

Thanks for the thanks about our services. Best wishes and stay safe.
