[Question #1208] Groin Fold?

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100 months ago

Protected vaginal sex on two occasions within a week, both protected. One encounter in between receiving oral unprotected. Later found partner HSV+ but no noticeable lesions

Literally the morning after the second encounter woke to pressure inside my left crural fold.  Felt like a boil, and when I attempted to pop it (drained clear and seemed to go down a bit after I cleaned it up.) I later realize this may have been a lymph node I was squeezing. 

That night before bed I discovered a line of small blisters in a cluster directly inside the same groin fold. By the time I was at the doctors office at 2pm the next day they had evolved to longer open fissures. 

Doctor diagnosed Candida, and prescribed Nystatin. The ulceration quickly changed to a smooth pink rash after a few days, with no crusting. Was closed and did not sting after 2 days of treatment. After one week the rash presented like a diaper rash, from top to bottom of the fold nearly to the anus. At 2 weeks was nearly gone, with only purple discoloration.

After the rash was healed I went through a solid 2 weeks of weakness, diarrhea, lost appetite and light eye discharge that I found alarming. Lost 10 lbs 1 month but now eating more (I have been a wreck). My first blood test 20 days post exposure showed a 1.15 +IGG, and .46- IGM (combined tests doc seemed clueless).  Planning a type specific at 3 months post exp.

-With no history of lesions and no sores on the penis, what are the chances that this is HSV 1/2? 

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
100 months ago
So you say that you later discovered that the partner was HSV + - for which type, do you know?
The morning after the encounter would be too soon for HSV to appear if it was new herpes from this encounter.  A lymph node would not pop or drain.  What we normally see in that fold is candida or some kind of fungal infection so all of that fits very well with healing with Nystatis and your doctor's diagnosis.  The weakness, diarrhea and weight loss don't fit with herpes but they do fit with anxiety pretty well. 
So the 1.15 was a combined test?  You're right that's pretty useless and I have seen many combined tests that are positive but negative type specific tests.  How far are you out from 12 weeks from encounter?  Have you ever in your life had a cold sore on your lip or in your nose? 
The only thing that concerns me in your email is the line of blisters.    But then you right away had someone look at it who felt that herpes wasn't the problem, which is very good. 

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100 months ago

I was unable to directly contact her, but from what I am told it is HSV2.  


An important part of the timeline that I left out as I ran out of space, was that the last night I used a  new bar of soap at her house (coconut smelling), and I do recall cleaning myself down there with it.  I am assuming it is possible that contact dermititis or an allergic reaction could be possible, as it did present the next morning.  I am about 5 weeks post encounter, and to be honest I cannot recall any recent cold sores.  I have been scanning my mouth daily looking for anomaly, and I noticed one day a tiny blood blister that appeared on one of my gums ( single), but this went away within 2 days, and maybe one small red dot on my toungue. The doctor tried to tell me that my positive IGG indicated an existing virus, and that my lack of IGM exonerated me from current infection. ( he basically told me to forget about it and move on). Anxiety has no doubt floored me. The only other thing of note is that I noticed a bit of irritation in my right eye yesterday ( very mildly bloodshot), but it has not gotten any worse and does not resemble anything I have seen on eye infections.  

So we are really narrowed down to the first encounter if I was truly infected, but I struggle to see how I could have been infected in that physical area.   Could her secretions have dripped into this crease, and my own skin on skin worked it in?  Thank you in advance for all that you do, I have read up quite a bit on the med help site and alot of it has been very educational.  

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
100 months ago
So someone else told you that she had herpes?  I would take that with a grain of salt until she tells you that she has herpes. 
You could be reacting to her soap, yes.   Or you could have gotten some yeast from her on your skin. 
The question about cold sores was not have you had any recent ones, the question is have you ever had one in your whole life?  If  yes, then the combined test would be positive forever.  Also the IgM is a total waste and the CDC says never to use it.  AND if you've had cold sore, then you are extremely unlikely to get the kind of herpes that one gets from oral sex because you already have it.
I think it is looking less and less like you have genital herpes.


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99 months ago
The eye irritation went on for a few days, and I began to get mildly concerned.  Went to an ophthalmologist who looked me over and did not see any indication of an infection in my eye.  He described it as a superficial irritation, and told me that herpes would have been easy for him to diagnose with the microscope.  
My vision remains perfect.

1. I have not once had a problem with joints in my life, and I recently have noticed my knee popping every morning.  It seems as though fluid or air is building up a bit and then releasing when it pops.  I have read alot of conflicting information regarding the connection of joint issues and herpes, and I find this coincidence very hard to ignore.   What is your position on herpes attacking joints, or causing discomfort?  I have heard Dr. Handsfield almost mock the notion of this which is reassuring, however now that I am experiencing this I am a bit conflicted. 

2. I have noticed one single persistent tiny blister at the far back of my throat behind my uvula that I am unsure about.  It is clear and resembles a mucuos bubble, but has not popped or changed appearance in about a week.  If this were herpetic I would have expected this to burst and hurt quite a bit, is this accurate?  

3. The last bit I am hung up on before I try to forget this until my test in early November is again how I could have contracted this literally within the fold of my groin.  I cannot really see much skin on skin contact going on there, have you ever seen an initial case of herpes in such a protected area?  

Thank you in advance for all of your advice, I will be sure to follow up with my test results.  

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
1.  I have never seen herpes attack joints.  I have seen herpes cause some temporary nerve pain going down the leg.  I have never ever seen herpes involve the knee joint.
2.  I would say if this bubble has not changed at all in one week, it is extremely unlikely to be herpes.  Herpes changes over time, often pretty quickly like within a day or two.  This is not what you are describing
3.  No, I don't think you contracted this in the skin fold, at least I have not once seen such a thing.  Generally that skin is too thick for virus to penetrate. 
If you would like to post your lab results here, you'll need to renew, this is your last post on this subscription.

