[Question #1217] Follow up - std symptoms?
99 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
Welcome back to the Forum. Today I rather than Dr. Handsfield will be answering your questions. Before I started to answer however, I reviewed his earlier exchange with you and agree 110% with everything he said. you did not need testing in the first place and, having tested, you need to believe your test results. The test you need now is not a test for STI but a test for guilt, anxiety and perhaps shame- it would be positive. I recommend against further testing but, since you did not take Dr. Handsfield's advice last time, if you do test, I can predict that additional tests would, without a doubt, be negative as your first ones were.
Had you acquired HIV from your no risk experience, your earlier HIV viral load tests would have been positive.
Your symptoms, as well as those of your GF are coincide3nce which you are particularly attuned to because of your guilt and anxiety. Your cold symptoms are just that and in no way suggest an STI. Whether you caught your cold from a shared cigarette or not I cannot say- the onset of your symptoms was a bit early after the event to be due to that but it is possible.
I hope my comments are helpful. You need to move on, you need to put your no risk behind you. EWH
99 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago