[Question #1237] Stripper touched penis

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100 months ago
Hello.  About 5 months ago I went to a strip club for one of my friends bachelor parties. I was bought a dance from one of my friends and after a few minutes of touching her gentials, the stripper stuck her hands down my pants and grabbed my penis for a few seconds. I was really sketched out and kind of shrugged it off. A couple moments later she did it again and I asked her to stop. The women's hand was wet and I wasn't thinking much. However days later my pee stream started splitting and over a week later my penis skin started burning and I went to a doctor who saw nothing alarming.  I have what looks like a small teeth mark on shaft right below the head. I know I never had this before and it's been there since after the event. I have also started getting infected hair follicles out of no where on my buttocks and leg. A rash in my anus that looks just like a rash that creeps up every now and then. My right buttock and slightly below has weird burn feeing when I sit down. Only my right side. Last sexual experience was 4 years prior and tested negative for everything 12 weeks later including herpes with IGG test. I'm asked terry at west over heights and she doesn't think I have anything to worry about, but I still can't shake this burning feeing and occasional penis spot. What's going on?
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
100 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Although Terri normally answers herpes related questions, you've already heard from her so I'm answering your question.

I agree with Terri. Herpes is not transmitted by the kinds of exposures you describe, and your symptoms are not at all suggestive of genital herpes. Herpes does not cause a "burning feeling" or "occasional penis spot". I think you have nothing wrong at all, that your anxieties are making you notice and over-interpret normal body sensations and appearances. If you remain concerned, see a doctor for personal examination. But whatever you have, it isn't herpes or any other infection from your strip club adventure.

I hope this has been helpful. Let me know if anything isn't clear.

Best regards--  HHH, MD

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100 months ago
Thanks for your answer Doctor. I have been seen by a doctor after 10 days past exposure and a few times after. My penis skin was burning for a couple days  and since then the right shaft where it was burning still gets sore occasionaly. I've noticed that odd sunburn feeling on my right buttock and thigh could be a symptom of a typical herpes. My doctor didn't think my situation or skin looked like herpes, but I've had rashes and odd skin sensations ever since this event. So there is no chance of this being an atypical herpes situation? I just find it odd all these things started happening after this event. The event didn't even make me think of herpes at all until all these things started happening. So what percentage would you give me that I'm fine and didn't contract herpes?
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
100 months ago
In the absence of overt, visible outbreaks, herpes is not known to cause a burning or other "odd" skin sensation. Herpes sore can sting and burn, but without overt blisters, sores, etc, there is no reason to suspect herpes. And note again that this isn't the only basis of my and your doctor's opinion:  your exposure is one that would never transmit HSV, or sufficiently rarely that it's not a realistic possibility. I don't think there is any realsitc chance you caught herpes. Could you have caught herpes despite the low risk? I suppose so; rare things happen. Accordingly, I can't give you 100% assurance. But it's very close; if you like, consider it 99.99%. But if you caught herpes, it is an asymtpomatic infection. Your symptoms for sure are not due to herpes.

Not to be egotistical about it, but in addition to your own doctor's advice after personal examination, you have had reasoned, science based reassurance from two world class experts. Do your best to accept it and move on.

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100 months ago
Thanks again Dr Handsfield. 
I actually prefer you being egotistical about the matter, that shows your confident in your answer. Would there be any other stds I would have to worry about from this? My right buttock really feels like a sunburn when i sit down and my doctor prescribed me valtrex because she thought a nerve sensation could be a sign of shingles. but I highly doubt that because it's been going on for a couple months.  I also can't explain the irratation I feel in the anus area.  I know this is my last question and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
100 months ago
No STDs are transmitted by hand-genital contact.

I don't like to second guess doctors after direct examination. But shingles never mimicks sunburn. It is true that a "nerve sensation" can herald the appearance of shingles within a few days, but it seems unlikely -- and I agree with you that a couple months cannot be a shingles prodrome.

I've given you my best judgment about the most likely cause of your symptoms:  see my initial reply, the sentence starting "I think you have...". Whether that speculation is correct or not, I'm certain this isn't herpes or any other STD, and that it is not due to any infection of any kind from your strip club adventure. And also confident it's nothing serious -- nothing that will ever harm you or any current or future sex partners. But keep working with your doctor -- including a follow-up visit after it becomes obvious (in a few days) that Valtrex isn't making any difference. (If it does seem to help, probably it will be through placebo effect.)

Best wishes and stay safe.
