[Question #1259] Late HIV Symptoms. Quite scared.

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100 months ago
Hello Drs,
Greetings.About 7 months back ,i went to a Comm SW who wasn't the sophisticated one(India).Whole encounter involved handjob and protected vaginal sex which was barely for a min with intact condom.After intercourse, while removing condom(after 20 secs) its outer area with (probably contaminated) vaginal secretions have touched the outer surface and tip of my Uncircumcised penis and area around it.I have read at many forums and places that risk of catching HIV is several times higher in Uncircumcised penis than the circumcised one.Assuming that the partner was at her Peak of HIV viral load,does this put me at risk?What are my chance of getting infected?I read that virus cant survive long in open air, but what if Viral load is very high?

Fast forward to last week things started to change for me.Two mouth cankers appeared simultaneously(healed now) and from last four days I am having continuos moderate Pain in joints of both shoulders,elbows and knee and muscle pain in shoulder,biceps and thighs which sometimes makes tasks like walking ,opening the door ,lifting light weights painful.Never had anything like this before.Also muscles feel tired and nauseating all the time .I get the feeling of having fever but temperature never goes beyond 98F.
When i connect all the dots ,thing look very scary.Can my skyrocketing anxiety be the reason of these symptoms or am i really infected?Kindly help.

About me:
Underweight guy with BMI around 18.No serious health complications before this.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago
Welcome to the Forum.  The exposure that you describe, as long as you wore your condom throughout the penetrative vaginal sex was a virtually no risk event.  Much in the same way that mutual masturbation with an HIV infected person is no risk, even if participants get each others' genital secretions on each other, the fact that the outside of your used condom came into contact with your uncircumcised penis does not put you at risk for HIV.  The same is true for your recipe of masturbation from your partner.  Thus even if your partner was infected (which is statistically unlikely), this was a no risk event, not matter what the viral load of your partner might be.

Your current mouth ulcers and recent muscle aches are almost certainly unrelated to the sexual encounter you describe and are far more likely be due to one of the "every day" viral infections most people get fro time to time.  I would not be worried and from a medical perspective, your current symptoms do not warrant HIV testing.  On the other hand, you are clearly worried about the possibility of HIV from the exposure you mention and for that reason, and that reason only, it might be reasonable for you to have an HIV test.  This long after your exposure of concern, any HIV test taken will be completely reliable.

I hope my comments are helpful.  EWH
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100 months ago
Thanks a lot Sir. Your reassuring words are enough to calm me down and reduced my fear. Thanks . Any helpful notes on how to overcome fatigue and joint discomfort? They make cracking sound while moving. Thanks.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago
Your anxiety could well be contributing to your fatigue.  I have no good your suggestions for your joint discomfort other than the possibility that you may be particular aware of this because of your concerns about a possible STI.  EWH