[Question #1260] insertive oral, very brief, std questions
95 months ago
i am married, and am really anxious about this event. afterwards, i asked her if she was clean, she apologized but assured me repeatedly she was, etc.
are there any STD risks i should be concerned about?
is there any testing warranted?
can i continue unprotected intercourse with my wife?
please help, thanks.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I will be glad to comment. The exposure you describe was very low, but not no risk. First and importantly most people do not have STIs. Second, from a biological perspective, fellatio is not a biologically "efficient" way to transmit STIs and is far less likely to lead to STI than penile-vaginal sex. Finally, some STIs simply do not often occur in the mouth-chlamydia for instance is very, very rare in the mouth, syphilis and herpes are transmitted through lesion contact.
The most common STIs following receipt of oral sex are non-gonococcal urethritis which is thought to result from the introduction of a partner's mouth bacteria into the male urethra and gonorrhea. Both NGU and gonorrhea are typically symptomatic, leading to development of symptoms such as burning on urination or a penile discharge within 5-7 days of exposure.
Personally, if I were you and did not develop symptoms in the week following exposure, I would not be worried and would not seek testing. If you wish to get the peace of mind that a negative test might provide, then I suggest you have a urine test for gonorrhea (chlamydia testing will probably be done on the same specimen but will almost certainly be negative). Unless you develop sores or lesions on your penis, I see not need for testing for syphilis, herpes or HIV (there has NEVER been a case of HIV proven to have been acquired as the result of receipt of oral sex).
I hope these comments are helpful to you. EWH
95 months ago
so i should refrain from unprotected sex with my wife for one week looking for symptoms?
and if i read you correctly, HIV is a 0.0 concern here?
Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago
95 months ago
(a) after one week, if symptom free, i can go back to unprotected sex with my wife without testing?
and (b) this oral exposure may have been one minute in length, certainly not more than 2. does the briefness of the exposure make the possibility of getting an STI any less?
Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago