[Question #1288] Hiv
99 months ago
Hello Doctor,
I am aged 25 M, I had a sex with csw 9 weeks ago , I got negative result at 24 days with Hiv RNA method and NEGATIVE at weeek 6 and 9 through 4th gen test all tests are done through lab corp, can my hiv results be conclusive and this is my first ever sexual interaction with a women, I had a right kidney elongation when i was 14 years it got diognosed at that time only, is that an immunodeficiency.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
Welcome to the forum. I'll be glad to provide you with an assurance that you are in the clear and did not get HIV from the exposure you mention. Both your RNA test and your fourth generation tests were obtained at times when results are conclusive. All fourth generation tests are conclusive when performed more than four weeks following exposure. At this time there is no reason for concern and certainly no reason for further testing.
Your elongation of a kidney does not represent an immuno deficiency and should not increase your vulnerability to HIV or other STI's.
I hope these replies are helpful. EWH
98 months ago
1)Thank you doctor, Out of Intense pressure I am able to revert you today as I had one more test at 76days(4th gen on 10/28/2016) which came back Non-reactive(Labcorp ), I could not remember what type of sex I had whether Anal/vaginal(I had unprotected) can this be conclusive or do you suggest any STD check, At 6 weeks I had chlymadia, Gonorrhoea, RPR W/RFLX as Negative, As lot of content on web explains that 3 months and 6 months is conclusive( please do not feel abusive , if it is abusive kindly excuse me doctor)
2)Kindly share some knowledge on immunodeficiency as I have asked you earlier do my kidney elongation (psychologically make me stronger on immunedeficiency) refers to immunodeficiency you replied No(which gave me some confidence).
3) I am Indian doctor, I am here for my Masters , do my blood responds perfectly as the Americans for the blood test .
Edward W. Hook M.D.
98 months ago
This is a repetitive, anxiety driven question. I told you that your earlier tests were definitive and proved that you did not acquire HIV from the exposure you mentioned. Therefore, obviously, the unnecessary repeat test you took (wasting your time and money) was also definitive.
Elongation of the kidney reflects variation is kidney size, not immunodeficiency. If you have other questions about your kidney, you should discuss them with a nephrologist, not an infectious diseases specialist.
There is no distinction in blood test results based on your country of origin. Believe your test results. EWH
98 months ago
Thank you Doctor, I would ask you final question that even unprotected Anal sex is conclusive according to you with respect to my earlier question that Is Hiv conclusive at 11 weeks, Thank you in advance please do not scold me doctor.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
98 months ago
No matter what the sort of exposure, 11 week results are conclusive. You did not get HIV from the exposure you had, not matter what sort, 11 weeks ago.
This completes this thread. It will be closed later tonight. EWH