[Question #1292] Worried! Need Help!

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99 months ago
Hello Doctors, 

Recently I received a hand job from a woman I did not know. She used saliva as lubrication by spitting directly onto my penis. She used only her hands, but rubbed my penis on her breasts during this encounter as well. I immediately became concerned with the STDs I could have possibly contracted from this event, so I took to the internet. While I found many forums with answers from Dr. H. Hunter Handsfield describing the almost certain unlikelihood of contracting an STD in this manner, I became so focused on what I was feeling and seeing (urgency to urinate almost constantly (no pain during urination), a feeling that my penis was leaking (with no discharge at all when inspected), sensitivity (plus tingling) at the tip of my penis, that I decided to get tested for STDs. 

I was tested by both an urgent care office and my regular doctor five days after the aforementioned event occurred. I even requested to be put on antibiotics to ease my mind before the results were in--a request which was granted to me. Both tests came back negative for any and all STDs. I was relieved, of course. But my symptoms persisted. 

I should mention at this point that I suffer from generalized anxiety and take Buspirone twice daily to combat it. I am also very paranoid, obsessive, and have a very overactive imagination. This had me take to the internet once again to see if my tests results could have been incorrect, or if I could have taken something to skew the results (I took AZO to see if my symptoms were from a UTI a day prior to testing). It seems that the results--two separate sets--are pretty much 100% conclusive. I also read about genitally focused anxiety, which seems to be the most likely culprit. Yet, here I am still feeling an urgency to urinate, phantom dripping, and a tingle at the tip of my penis.   

So, I wonder, are my symptoms from genitally focused anxiety? Could I still have contracted an STD from this encounter? Do I need to be tested again? If it is genitally focused anxiety, how can I help stop it? 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  I'll do my best to help.  You have made a great error in judgment, not through exercise of normal sexual inclinations and your no -risk sexual activities but by going to the internet for answers.  Internet sources are quite often misleading, and much of what is found there is just plain wrong.  Taking antibiotics without a diagnosis was also a mistake but will likely have fewer direct consequences for you than going to the internet for information which appears to have amplified your own intrinsic level of anxiety. 

On the other hand, the exposure you describe was virtually no risk.   No STIs are spread through receipt of masturbation, in saliva (even when used as a lubricant for masturbation) or from frottage between a partner's breasts  In your own case, you now also have reliable tests for STI which should be believed.  Testing at five days will provide accurate information about most STIs. Urinary frequency and tingling without discharge is a common manifestation of genitally focus anxiety. The best way to address this is by being distracted by something else.  I suspect if you think about it, you will find that when your mind is on something else, work, play, a book, your symptoms are no longer prominent.

There is no need for further testing.  Your tests have provided reliable results.  You did not get an STI from the encounter you have described.

I hope my answers are helpful to you.  EWH

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99 months ago
Thanks, Doc.

Just to follow up. A few days ago a little while after masterbation and a urination, I noticed a small amount of clear pre-cum like fluid coming from my penis. 

A few days after that the same thing happened after a bowel movement. 

Also, the symptoms I discussed before haven't gone away either. 

Just need some perspective here. Should I get tested again? Is this normal? I'm not sure what to do. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
Everything that you have described is quite normal.  You ally have nothing to worry about.  Believe your tests, not that you needed them.

On occasion it is not unusual for straining at a bowel movement to express a small amount of prostatic fluid.  This is not an STI.

Please try to relax.  EWH