[Question #1297] Need Help!!
94 months ago
Hello Doctor, my mistake relates to two events one six months back and one a month back. Similar facts - I'm a 35 year man. Went to a high end massage place in Asia, first unprotected insertive oral and then protected sex. Not intense. Immediately after the second event I got super nervous and tested two week after for rapid HIV, which was negative. Then on 26th day after the second event, I again did two tests, rapid blood HIV antibody and 4th Generation ELISA Combo (antibody and antigen)- results came negative for both (doctors comments - no infection found). I was told that the super lab here considers them conclusive on 15th day and since I was tested during the last 4 hours of 26th day per 24 hour cycle (if I count calendar days then it was the 27th, including both days), I'm good and need no more tests . I also tested for Syphillis - negative. Results awaited for Gonorreha and Chly - however, no symptoms. I was vaccinated for hep b 3 doses last year - for no particular reason. I was very happy with the results and wanted to move on and never do this stupid mistake again. However, on 29th day, I had sore throat, fever 38.5, groin lymph pain, cough (with little brownish phlegm) and bit runny nose, but no scars or irritations. I've been tired and on bed rest but no real joint ache. It seems that the Doctor (my new gp) thought I had bacterial infection and gave me antibiotic which helped a lot immediately with other medicine and I'm much better on 4th day with almost no fever and little cough. However, I was very anxious during last month and skipped meals so lost some weight. Do you think I need to do more tests regarding HIV? Did I put myself or my girlfriend at risk? I'm really worried and don't want to do more tests unless necessary - which is in itself a trauma for me. Please let me know if I'm ok to move on and have unprotected sex with my gf? I really want to get back to normal life. I'm so sorry for the trouble. Thanks!
94 months ago
To clarify, the CSW was a female and protected sex vaginal. Oral did not last beyond 2 mins to my memory both times and the CsW cleared her mouth with mouthwash. Seemed to be clean but no idea regarding status.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I'll be pleased to comment. I agree with your doctor, following your exposures which were essentially no risk for HIV and very low risk for other STIs (condom protected sex is safe sex and no one has ever been shown to get HIV from receipt of oral sex) and considering your negative test results, you can be confident that you were not infected by the exposures that you describe and that no further testing is needed. the febrile illness that you describe is likely due to something else- cough is not a sign of recently acquired HIV or any other STI.
My advice is to move forward without concern. You have not put your GF at risk from the exposures that you have described.
I hope these comments are helpful. EWH
94 months ago
Thank you so much Doctor. I really appreciate the kind work you are doing here. As you said, I will take these tests to be conclusive and forget about these incidents now and move on and never do this mistake again.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Great. Glad you found my comments helpful. EWH---
94 months ago
Hello Doctor Hook, as a further update. My results for G & C tests came back negative. As I mentioned I had been vaccinated for Hep B last year. Should I worry about Hep B? Thanks much. Apologies for multiple questions.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Hepatitis has become rare in North America because of vaccination. No, if you are vaccinated you are protected and should not worry about sexual acquisition of hepatitis B and, before you ask, hepatitis C is very rarely acquired through sexual contact and when it is, transmission is most strongly associated with receptive rectal intercourse. EWH.
94 months ago
Thank you so much Dr. Hook. You are very kind.
94 months ago
Dear Doctor, I'm so sorry for repeat question. I was told last year after three vaccinations to do a test to check if they actually worked. I didn't do that. These incidences happened in Asia. If my vaccinations didn't work, was there any real risk with Hep B and unprotected oral sex. I'm so sorry again but your reply will calm me down. Thanks much.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Whoever told you this is incorrect, it is not standard practice to follow-up testing after receipt of hepatitis vaccines. No change in my advice or recommendations. You were vaccinated, have faith.
As you know we typically provide three responses to questions, This is my 4th. There will be no further answers and this thread will be closed later today. EWH