[Question #1315] making sores last longer by exercising
99 months ago
I am in my first ever episode of herpes. I realize this may be the worst reaction that I ever have to the virus and that future episodes may be better.
I do not have any open sores on my genital area, but have a bad rash in the crease of the groin with some scattered pimple like red places on the inner thigh. I bike every day and sweat. The worst spot is the stickest/clammiest spot in the crease where the uppser thigh meets the scrotum. I wear loose clothing, but I inflame everything when I bike, then it calms down like it wants to get better after showering and powdering. Am I prolonging my symptoms and will they stay indefinitely if I keep biking or will they subside, despite my exercise?
I love my bike and need the mental health that it is providing during this very stressful time. It reduces my stress, which is supposed to help. I also have lips that are swollen and also without open sores, but they have a thin layer of lip skin that is broken up...not open, and this persists. The lips and the groin have gone on now for 3-4 weeks. I also play tennis. Is the sun on my face going to perpetuate my symptoms unless I stop? Can you recommend some kind of total sunblock for the lips and some kind of preventative (nuskin?/Desitin/baby powder?) for the groin so that I can keep exercising? Thanks very much.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
Nat, how do you know that you are having your first outbreak of herpes? Has herpes been swab tested from this area? The groin symptoms sound very fungal to me. Fill me in!
99 months ago
I would love this to be so. However, the out of the blue leg aches that immediately preceded symptoms and just as quickly disappeared, the prodrome symptoms (burning and tingling lips), the incubation period post sexual contact...it all fits perfectly under Herpes. I did not have any swollen glands nor did I feel sick, but I stay very healthy in general.
I did have conjunctivitis, that I believe I contracted from a swimming pool, which proceeded the sex and was just getting better by the day of the sex. My current symptoms include the eyelids a bit more puffy than usual, which dissapates during the day as I become active.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
I think nothing is going to settle this for sure except a positive swab test OR a positive antibody test down the road. You are correct that the incubation period is consistent with new herpes. The leg aches could honestly be most anything from a pulled muscle to sitting too long in the wrong position. And the burning and tingling lips without actual water blisters just doesn't fit very well. We shall see!
99 months ago
You were right! I bow to your expertise!
I just got back from Planned Parenthood. The NP told me the genital area is definitely a fungus infection. She didn't feel she could even swab since there were no blisters, just the red blotches and bumps. There were never painful blisters that broke open, but the photos looked similar to those on the internet, so I just assumed, given the timing of everything. I know, I know. I bet you get a lot of that. I humbly stand corrected (I hope).
She did swab my lips but didn't know if she could even get any results because again, no broken blisters. So worse case I'm hsv1. I will wait for any results next week from the swab and also do another blood test in 5 weeks to see if there are antibodies/positive results.
She gave me an rx for antifungal cream and told me to just use Abreva on the lips, keep them out of the sun, and to keep taking the acyclovir that I have.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
I'm so very very glad that you went and got checked out. The internet gives us many wonderful things, but sometimes, an experienced clinician exam is worth a million bucks. If you need me again, let me know. Otherwise, treat that fungal infection aggressively - you've had it a while and sometimes it can takes weeks to get rid of these, treating often!
All the best
All the best