[Question #1318] Hep B and other STD risk

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99 months ago
Hello doctors 

I have just been in Manila, phillapines and had a risky experience.

I went out with some work colleges drunk to much and ended up in a Gogo bar, As with all these places the women gunned for us and two of the girls kissed me with their tounges for a few mins and I touched ones vagina inserting a finger briefly. No other contact took place after this.

I realised in the morning what any idiot I was as I know there is a high consentration of hep b in the phillapines and read hep b is in salavia and vaginal fluids.

I had the first dose of hep b vaccine 4 or 5 years ago and for some reason never completed the rest. 

Am  I at risk of hep b from this encounter or any other STDS like hiv or bacterial infections and should I get tested?

I read that if within 7 days it's possible to start HBIG should I consider this or is there any immunity from my first dose of vaccine?

Thanks for your time 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago

Welcome to the Forum. I'll try to help.  You are correct, hepatitis B rates are relatively high in the Philippines but despite that, you have little to worry about.  Several comments.

1. A single injection of hepatitis B vaccine is not fully protective but is does offer a protective effect for about half of people who only get one injection.  My advice would be to complete the series with two additional injections at this time, more related to future potential exposures than the one you have described.

2. The activities that you describe are very low risk.  While small amounts of hepatitis B might be present in saliva and can certainly be present in genital secretions the chance of getting infected by kissing or contact of your fingers with genital secretions is negligible and should not concern you.  I am not aware of any hepatitis B infections that have been proven to be acquired by either kissing or contact of your fingers with genital secretions.

My advice.  Try not to worry, complete you hepatitis B vaccine series and move forward without concern.  I hope this comment is helpful to you. EWH

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99 months ago
Thanks for your comments.

Is there any chance of contracting chlamydia or other bacterial infections in my mouth from French kissing?

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
No, there are no STIs, including not only gonorrhea and chlamydia but also HIV that are transmitted by kissing.  The potential exceptions to this statement are the lesions infections like syphilis but to get this you would need to be in contact with a lesion which you would see.  Kissing, French or otherwise is a safe activity.  EWH