[Question #1324] Follow hbv,all std and hcv and blue butterfly
99 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
I'm sorry you feel the need to return to our Forum to ask many of the same questions you have already asked Dr. Handsfield. While our verbal styles vary, we have not disagreed in our advice for clients in the more than 30 years we have worked together. Thus repeating questions is a waste of time. Dr. Handsfield has already told you that if your condom had broken there would be NO DOUBT of this and you would see that it had broken. He also indicated that your HIV test results were definitive. Thus, particularly for your repetitive questions I will be brief and will not provide follow-up commentary. To do so would be a waste of your time and mine when you can just go and re-read Dr. Handsfield's comments. So, for your questions:
1. There is no evidence that there is meaningful transmission of hepatitis C through penile-vaginal sex. Further your sex was condom protected, reducing any risk of hepatitis B. The usual stated window for hepatitis b (or C) tests is three months but these recommendations are overly conservative. When you combine that you had a single exposure, that it was condom protected and that your tests were negative at 10 weeks you can be completely confident that you did not acquire hepatitis of either type from the encounter you described.
99 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
99 months ago