[Question #1324] Follow hbv,all std and hcv and blue butterfly

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99 months ago
Dear ed hook , 

I am male pakistan who had a protected Encounter( csw which I regret )but got paranoid maybe by condom broke durations only 10 seconds . 

I got tested at 5,67 and 9 weeks combo ag/ab 4th generation . Known clinic 

Doctor hunter stated to move on and it's conclusive . I believe that .  

However I have been tested for hbv and hcv at 10 weeks and all stds that also is negative 

1What is the window period for hbv and hcv ? 

My only question remains is about the blue butterfly needle blood withdraw done at clinic . 
I have read on medhelp that you stated that even if some was to re use blood needle for re use it would be scientifically unfounded as the blood is moving from you to the vacuum tube . 

I also read you wrote bottom line you cannot get HIV through blood draw 

2Do you still maintain that doctor ? 

3Can they be re used and if not why ? 

4Can u get hbv or hcv or HIV through blood draw ? .  

5Please just explain blood draw risk from blue butterfly needle even if the needle was contaminated and can u catch HIV through such a blood draw if not then why ? 

I don't require counselling , I don't want to go there it's a dark place to go  and go to inexperience doctors in my county . And confuse my self . Only dr hunter or you that is all. So that I can move on.  But a reply from dr Ed hook is what I am seeking thank you . 
I will leave this forum in peace 

Thank you 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago

I'm sorry you feel the need to return to our Forum to ask many of the same questions you have already asked Dr. Handsfield.  While our verbal styles vary, we have not disagreed in our advice for clients in the more than 30 years we have worked together.  Thus repeating questions is a waste of time.  Dr. Handsfield has already told you that if your condom had broken there would be NO DOUBT of this and you would see that it had broken.  He also indicated that your HIV test results were definitive.  Thus, particularly for your repetitive questions I will be brief and will not provide follow-up commentary.  To do so would be a waste of your time and mine when you can just go and re-read Dr. Handsfield's comments.  So, for your questions:

1.  There is no evidence that there is meaningful transmission of hepatitis C through penile-vaginal sex.  Further your sex was condom protected, reducing any risk of hepatitis B.  The usual stated window for hepatitis b (or C) tests is three months but these recommendations are overly conservative.  When you combine that you had a single exposure, that it was condom protected and that your tests were negative at 10 weeks you can be completely confident that you did not acquire hepatitis of either type from the encounter you described.

2Do you still maintain that doctor ? 
Yes, you cannot get HIV from blood drawn which flows from your body to a vacutainer tube.

3Can they be re used and if not why ? 
Some butterfly needles which do not have devices to prevent re-use can be reused.  These are uncommon

4Can u get hbv or hcv or HIV through blood draw ? .  
See above.  these infections are transmitted by injection, not withdrawal of blood.

5Please just explain blood draw risk from blue butterfly needle even if the needle was contaminated and can u catch HIV through such a blood draw if not then why ? 
Explained above.   The needle does not inject blood and the natural flow, with or without a vacutainer attached is outward, not into the body of the person having blood drawn.

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99 months ago
Thank you doctor I meant no disrespect , it was just the hbv and hcv and blood draw risk that I wanted to know you have explained that to me thank you again . 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
99 months ago
Glad that you found my comments helpful.  You are in the clear.  EWH
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99 months ago
Thank you doctor I'm going to consider this blood draw a no risk situation 100 perecent