[Question #1348] Confused

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99 months ago
I met a girl during  party ,  we engaged in kissing and I received  protected  blow job .During kissing she had bitten me on my hand . I think it was friendly .  I checked  for any possible cut from her bite. I could not find any cut nor could I see any blood on my hand. My concern is that  if there was any small cut on my hand that I could not see , and if there was some  small blood in  her mouth,  it could have entered my small cut . what is the hiv risk? 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
99 months ago
Greetings and welcome to the forum. Your question came while I was logged in. Most users should not expect nearly real time replies!

There is no risk for HIV at all. First, it is statistically unlikely your partner had HIV. Second, kissing never transmits HIV, and neither does oral sex (mouth to penis), even without a condom -- so those exposures carried no risk. Finally, although biting is often listed as a potential risk factor, to my knowledge there has never been a proved case of HIV transmitted by biting or tooth wounds. And certainly there can be no risk when the skin wasn't broken, i.e. if you cannot see a cut. And even if you had a preexisting cut, that would be no risk either; HIV isn't transmitted through wounds except when they are fresh and bleeding (and almost never even then). In general, all exposures to the mouth of HIV infected people are zero to low risk, probably because saliva kills HIV.

So no worries at all. You do not need testing for HIV. If you have otherwise been at risk, e.g. unsafe sex with other partners, you should be tested from time to time for HIV and other STDs. But definitely not on account of the events described above.

I hope these comments have been helpful. Let me know if anything isn't clear.  HHH, MD

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99 months ago
 your response  was highly informative  and helpful. I think when you said fresh and bleeding wound in the post you are referring to  wound which can be felt and visible seen , not a minute /small wound which is not visible. 

I also forgot mention that I kissed her checks and I am not sure it was bleeding or not. I hope your answer is same for this also (no risk) 

Thanks for your reply 

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99 months ago
Fresh and bleeding  means deep cut or extensive tissue damage which is visible  . I hope I am right
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
99 months ago
A wound that is not visible to the naked eye almost certainly isn't a wound at all. Even if such a thing exists, I can't imagine it would carry any risk for HIV, even if exposed to infected blood. Wounds that risk HIV are deep, obviously bleeding wounds. And even these have almost never been the cause of a new HIV infection, except when the wound was made by a contaminated medical instrument. Virtually nobody has ever caught HIV from exposure of any other kind of wound.

You're "not sure" if her cheeks were bleeding? If you didn't see blood there or on your lips after kissing her, then they were not.

All you need to do to protect yourself from HIV is not have unproteced vaginal or anal sex with new or potentially unsafe partners, and do not share drug injection equipment with anyone else. That's all. Even the busiest HIV/AIDS clinics never see patients without these risks (not counting kids born to infected mothers, and occasional immigrants from high risk areas like Africa).
