[Question #1368] Testing accuracy

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99 months ago
Can a woman have herpes #2 for over 30 years with no symptoms not pass it on to her husband of 30 years?

I am a 65 year old woman. I left my husband due him being unfaithful. I wanted to be tested for STD's. The results are very confusing. I was positive for herpes 1  IgG test result 1.59. I was positive for herpes 2 IgG test was 6.72. I then had a Western blot test which showed positive for both. I have never had symptoms for either. 

My husband was tested and showed positive for herpes 1  IgG test result 5.00 yet his herpes 2 test result was 0.90. He was negative. I also see that he could be equivocal. He gets cold sores on his mouth often. No symptoms on his genitals. 

I dated a man after I left my husband his tests showed clear negatives for herpes 1 and 2.

I want to date but am slow to do so. I do not want take drugs for something I do not have. I was sexually active before I met my husband but was faithful. I am one confused senior citizen.

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
Yes, it is possible that you could have had herpes for 30 years and not transmitted it to another person.  And if your western blot is positive for both, you are most certainly infected with HSV 1 and 2.  I am assuming you've had other sex partners prior to marrying your husband?  That is the most likely scenario for where you acquired HSV 2 given the negative tests for both your husband and most recent partner.  As you may know, HSV 1 is very common with about 56% of people between 14 and 49 have this infection.  It is likely that you acquired HSV 1 first and then HSV 2 and the immune response you have to HSV 1 prevented you from having dramatic HSV 2 symptoms.  Taking daily antiviral medication reduces your risk of transmitting virus to a partner by almost 50%.  There are very few side effects for most people and is a very practical and easy thing you can do to help protect future partners. 

Let me ask you this - did you actually see your husband's test results?
Please let me know what other questions you might have.

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99 months ago
Yes I did see my husband's results. Yes this is my second marriage I have bad luck my first husband cheated too so no surprise I could have gotten it from him.  Since I have not passed it on wouldn't I most likely not pass it on in the future? I have not had any outbreaks. 
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99 months ago
I am reading your book. I will soon be a grandmother. I have never had a cold sore should I not kiss my grandchild? My husband gets them often should he not kiss the grandchild? You say not to let anyone kiss new babies with cold sores. Can I give herpes 1 to people I kiss...friends and kids? I don't see that in your book. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
Good morning,
You can certainly kiss your grandchildren when you do not have a cold sore!  And you should!  The way one kisses a child is not the way one might kiss a lover.  However, your husband should never kiss you grandchild when he has a cold sore. 
In our age group, most people do indeed already have HSV 1, so if you were to kiss a person like a lover, it is very unlikely you would infect them.  If they are uninfected, there is a small chance of infecting them even if you don't have a cold sore.  Kissing family and friends is fine - again, not the kind of kiss that would transmit virus when you have no sores.
I'm so sorry about your bad luck with husbands.  That's a bummer for you; I hope you luck is better in the future.

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99 months ago
Yeah wouldn't that be great. Now I have one more thing to deal with. Know any wonderful men my age with herpes 2 lol. Love your book by the way. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
Thanks so much about the book.  I know lots of men your age with HSV 2!  Tons!  Unfortunately, I'm bound by confidentiality.  I think you'll find this not as much of an obstacle as you might think but you won't know until you try.  Also, Google hopportunity.  I think this guy is right on and very helpful indeed.