[Question #1385] Should I Get Tested
97 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
97 months ago
97 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
97 months ago
97 months ago
97 months ago
- HIV-1/2 Antibody - non-reactive Negative
- HIV-1/2 4th Generation - non-reactive Negative
- HIS-1 aB IgG - <0.90 Negative
- HIS-2aB IgG - <0.90 Negative
- Chlamydia Trach DNA, SDA - not-detected Negative
- Neisseria Gonorr DNA, SDA - not-detected Negative
- HAV Antibody - non-reactive Negative
- HBsAg Screen - non-reactive Negative
- HCV Antibody - non-reactive Negative
- Syphilis RPR (Monitor) w/Refl Titer - non-reactive Negative
Edward W. Hook M.D.
97 months ago
Given the nature of your exposure, the lack of symptoms and your test results, I would certainly consider these results conclusive. There is no need for follow-up.
My suggestion that your exposure did not put you at meaningful risk for warts or HSV is unchanged. I presume that the HIS-1 and -2 aB IgG test you mention are antibody tests for herpes (the usual abbreviation is HSV-1 or -2) and your results are negative. With regard to your concerns about HPV/warts, I think you are thinking about this the wrong way. As a sexually active man you have or will almost certainly have HPV in the future. It may be manifest as genital warts or may be asymptomatic. This however should not concern you as virtually every other sexually active person who has not had the vaccine will be infected too. This is part of the reason that we do not feel it is necessary for everyone who has had genital warts or HPV diagnosed to tell sexual partners- the infection is too common for anyone to think that they are not infected, of little consequence, and poorly understood.The concern about HPV infections is their long term association with pre-cancerous lesions and cancer. These problems can be address in two ways- first if you develop lesions on your genitals, get them evaluated and appropriate, treated. Secondly, you could consider getting the HPV vaccine which, although costly (about $300-400) if you need to pay for it yourself, his highly effective for preventing genital warts and reduces the small existing risk for cancer by over 90%.
I hope these comments are helpful to you. this will end this thread. Take care. EWH
97 months ago