[Question #1394] Male HPV testing

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98 months ago

Long time reader of posts regarding my current situation. Brief synopsis. 43 year old male diagnosed at 39 with GW following a long term relationship. Treatment of Imiquimod, electrocautery, and invasive rectal surgery for additional problems spread by auto inoculation I can only presume. The aforementioned surgery was extremely painful as has been the mental anguish during this time. Despite the helpful words of both doctors here encouraging acceptance of this possibly transient disease I have been unable to fully accept this. The virus my body harbors has caused me a significant amount of pain both physically and socially (I have been shunned post divulging my disease status) and I fear even the slightest possibility of inflicting a future partner with this burden. I appreciate the positive outlook expressed here but other health care professionals, as evidenced by other posts, are equally strong in their convictions that this disease is of major concern and almost to be feared. The lack of definitive information about clearance and longevity of this disease remains a struggle. 

My questions. 
I am recently discovering HPV tests  that can be ordered online. I have been symptom free for 2 1/2 years and have not had sex in the four years since my diagnosis. I can't remember the exact HPV virus I was diagnosed with. If I were to purchase and partake in these tests, and my body has cleared the virus, would you expect the test to come back negative for all HPV? Or will the test reveal HPV but in the dormant state? I may  be grasping at straws, and am a aware of my own psychological  propensity for obsession/depression, but I am looking for some semblance of assurance. 

Thank you............
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
98 months ago

At present few experts recommend HPV testing for men.  HPV tests are available on-line however the accuracy of the varying tests cannot be assessed through a site such as this.  As a long time reader of our posts, you already know that while we feel that disclosure is a good thing it is not necessary or absolutely warranted.  If you choose to test and the result is negative, that could mean that your HPV infection is resolved but it also could mean that you sampled the wrong place.  If you have been treated for warts and have not had a recurrence on over two years, our recommendation is that you consider yourself cured and non-infectious to others.  In this situation we see no need for testing or for disclosure of your past genital warts to others.

Reading between the lines of your comments, it is clear that you have allowed yourself to believe that your infection is more serious and more limiting than we do.  To address this I doubt that testing will change things.  On the other hand, working through your feelings and concerns with a trained, knowledgeable counselor may be helpful.  EWH 
