[Question #1403] Ahhh, worried.
98 months ago
Thank you in advance for your services guys'! I truly respect your expertise.
Last night I had sex with a man that i've been friends with for a couple years. We used a condom. I tried to examine his penis for any obvious sores and he wouldn't let me because he thought it was weird. He swore that he did not have anything, but I know that you can never trust people's word. Anyway, I have a few questions about the incident. In addition, I do not know the sexual health status of my partner, other than the fact that he swears he "always" uses protection when he has sex.
1. Should I be worried about getting genital herpes?
2. what're the chances of me getting genital herpes from this one incident?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
Condoms are very good at protecting women - better than a 95% reduction in transmission of herpes from an infected male to an infected female in a recent study. In addition, it was a single incident as you point out. The odds of you getting genital herpes from a single condom protected intercourse as incredibly small. If I were you, I would take this off your worry list.
98 months ago
Thank you for your knowledge and expertise, Terri.
Would genital herpes show up as soon as 40 hours after the incident? I feel like i noticed an irritated area on my perenium near my anus. It burns and there's like two very small pieces of skin missing. I only noticed it when I go to the bathroom, but during the day it doesn't hurt.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
It could, yes. If you think this could possibly be herpes, I would encourage you to have the area evaluated by a professional and swab tested if they think it could be herpes. Also, do you have a baseline negative herpes test in your past?
98 months ago
I got the cut checked out and the doctor said it was just from my anus stretching during bowel movements.
However, I found a bump yesterday and i'm very worried. It doesn't hurt, itch, burn or anything. i wouldn't have noticed had I not looked with a mirror. Do you think this is herpes?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
If you have bumps that worry you they should be checked out by a professional. This isn't something we can help you with over the internet. I'm sorry