[Question #1447] Follow up about unprotected oral

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97 months ago
I contacted you a couple of months ago about testicle discomfort and std test results. The discomfort is gone but now I have a tingling sensation in my urethra mostly at the tip and I feel the urge to urinate more and I am urinating more for the past couple months now. No discharge or burning when urinating. I had unprotected oral sex with a woman On 2 separate occasions back in August and condom protected sex as well. She barely went past the head of my penis with the oral and it only lasted a couple minutes each time. Sex lasted maybe a minute. She was a sex worker. I was treated like I said in my other question for gonorrhea and chlamydia with negative results. Could I have contracted  anything else that would cause these symptoms or is it just me worrying. Btw the last time I had sex was 2 months ago with my wife and I was having this feeling then. My wife was recently tested at her gyno. Because she had atypical blood cells they tested for gono. Chlamydia hpv and all negative. Thanks in advance
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97 months ago
I meant to say I wad treated with negative results. Btw the tingling sensation in my urethra comes and goes throughout the day it's not constant. I also didn't mention that I saw a doctor back in September and he did blood and urine work. Everything was fine except the urine was turbid. That's something I noticed the doctor I guess didn't think anything of it. I showed results to my urologist and he didn't think anything of it either, at  least they didn't talk to me about it. Could that be a sign of something to go with my symptoms. 
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97 months ago
Omg dump spell correct I was tested for gono and chlamydia with negative results. 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
97 months ago
Welcome back to the forum. I'll be answering this time.

I reviewed your recent discussion with Dr. Hook and agree with all he said. This was a very low risk exposure, which was apparent both in your earlier question and even more so in this one, with the greater detail about the nature and duration of the exposure. And your test results reliably show you didn't acquire gonorrhea or chlamydia. And if the exceedingly unlikely chance you in fact acquired gonorrhea, chlamydia, NGU, or syphilis, the treatments you received shortly after the exposure would have cured you. These are the exact treatments used routinely in people with these STDs and they are highly reliable.

Your current symptoms are not typical for an STD. When STDs cause urethritis (urethral inflammation/infection), uncomfortable urination alone is uncommon; almost always there is obvious discharge. In fact, except for gonorrhea, there usually is little or no urethral pain or discomfort at all, only discharge. The discomfort occurring only intermittently is additional evidence against an infection of any kind; with NGU or other infection, your symptoms would be continuous. And in response to your specific question, the answer is no:  there are no known STDs (or infections of the mouth or throat) that would cause such symptoms.

Turbid or cloudy urine is generally meaningless, usually the result of phosphate crystals, which in turn are related to diet and fluid intake. I agree with your doctors on this.

So what is the cause of your ureinary discomfort? The evidence favors anxiety magnifying trivial symptoms that mean nothing and that you otherwise wouldn't notice, or even normal body sensations. Not only are these symptoms typical for such genitally focused anxiety -- which often affects men who are nervous about a sexual decision or exposure they regret. In addition, you also wrote "or is it just me worrying". That shows you are already thinking your symptoms have an emotional or psychological origin. And when someone suspects that about his or her own symptoms, usually s/he is correct.

So my advice is to do your best move on without worry. I am confident you have nothing that will ever harm you or your wife. Don't confuse your anxieties about your regretted sexual decision with STD risk and symptoms. They aren't the same. Deal with the first as you need to (maybe discuss frankly with your wife, if you haven't done so) but you can move on with no worries about any STD from that event.

I hope these comments are helpful. Let me know if anything isn't clear.


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97 months ago
Could what I'm experiencing be an non std ngu. I'm not thinking about it all the time but sometimes I do. I do have the urge to urinate more and wonder if that could mean something. I'm thinking it could be prostatitis. If it is is it possible it was caused from an std. I read most cases of prostatitis come out of nowhere especially in men my age. I'm 40 years old. Thank you again
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
97 months ago
As far as we know, there is no such thing as NGU that isn't an STD. My comments above about symptoms (discharge, not just urinary discomfort) applies to all urethritis, not only sexually acquired NGU. I agree prostatits might be a consideration, and you indeed are at an age when prostate problems often start to appear. But whatever the cause, re-read my comment above: you have nothing harmful (most prostatitis is an issue only of comfort, not disease that causes harm). Some men just live with symptoms like this and they become second nature. I''m hoping you can get there. In the meantime, please resume loving sex with your wife. In many or most men in your situation, increased frequency of sex is one of the cures.

In any case, this is for sure no STD, and STDs are the only topic for this forum. We do not attempt to evaluate or provide advice on non-STD genital problems. So that will end this thread. Best wishes and stay safe.
