[Question #1449] HIV Risk?

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98 months ago
A woman has masturbated my penis.
She has urinated an spit on my penis.
So she has massaged urine and saliva in my penis.
Is this a hiv risk?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
98 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  HIV is transmitted only by contact with an infected person through penetrative sexual encounters or injection of infected material deep into tissue.  There have never been cases in which HIV has been transmitted through masturbation, even when partners get each others' genital secretions on one another, when saliva from an infected person is used as lubrication or when urine is present. 

You do not know that your female partner had HIV and statistically it is unlikely that she was.  Even if she did have HIV, this was a no risk event with no need for concern or for HIV testing.

I hope my comments are helpful.  EWH

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98 months ago
Thanks Mr.Hook
And if the woman masturbates the penis of the man with the vaginal liquid on her hand,
this is also no risk, either for Hiv or for other STI's?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
98 months ago
Correct, still no risk.   EWH