[Question #1458] Unprotected oral follow-up #1411

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97 months ago
Dear Dr 

I Had  two exposures of receipt of Unprotected oral last exposure was October 16. In November 27 I tested negative for hiv which is exactly 6 weeks. Dr hhh told me 6 weeks result is 100 % conclusive. 

Some medical websites say 3 months. 

Please advise. Shall I believe my 6 weeks result or test at 3 months again. 

Many thanks 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
97 months ago
As Dr. Hook told you, 6 weeks is conclusive and you should believe your results. As he also said, your exposure carried zero risk for HIV, so you didn't need testing at all, so this is pretty much a pointless question. (Was it really worth another $25.00 you? ASHA and the forum appreciate your donation, however!)

The main reason some resources still say 3 months is that this is the interval formally stated by the test manufacturers. However, that date is usually because earlier versions of the same tests were 3 months, and it costs extra research and much money to provide data to the US Food and Drug Administration that shorter periods are OK. So legally the manufacturers cannot say less than 3 months even though solid data and research show 4-6 weeks is enough. In other cases, e.g. government agencies like CDC simply take a hyper conservative stance. On this forum (and other science based resources) we have the freedom to go with the science, regardless of the regulations and institutional policies. Of course you are free to keep testing whenever and as often as you wish; it's your money, time, and energy.

Best wishes.  HHH, MD

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97 months ago
Many thanks Dr. 

 last questions:

You think my 2 negative tests are 100%   conclusive    at 6 weeks .? 

If  I was your son you would advise me not to test anymore and move on? 

Appreciate ur efforts and support. 

Thanks in advance 
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97 months ago
Many thanks Dr. 

 last questions:

1. You think my 2 negative tests are 100%   conclusive    at 6 weeks .? 

2. If the rash I had at 4 weeks post exposure was ars rash, would the test be positive at 6 weeks.? 

3. If  I was your son you would advise me not to test anymore and move on? 

Appreciate ur efforts and support. 

Thanks in advance 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
97 months ago
These are the same questions as before, in different words; or the answers are obvious from the previous replies you have had both above and from Dr. Hook, so my replies are brief; I will not discuss them further.

1) Yes, conclusive. 

2) Yes. But an ARS rash cannot occur that long after exposure.

3) Yes. But more important, I would have advised my son not to be tested in the first place.
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97 months ago
Thanks for the reply Dr. 

One last question : you say 4th gen hiv test is conclusive at or after 4 weeks. That applies for hiv 1 but there is no p24 for hiv 2 in the combo test. 

What's ur advice on that? 
Are my results conclusive for both hiv 1 and 2 at 6 weeks? Or I need to test again because of lack of p24 in hiv 2?

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
97 months ago
The test is considered conclusive at 4 weeks for HIV2 as well as HIV1, and for sure is conclusive at 6 weeks. Also, HIV2 is almost nonexistant except in the areas of west Africa where it originated, with extremely few cases in North America, Europe, and elsewhere. You do not need any more testing.

That completes this thread. Please do not be tempted to start any more threads about this exposure. Repetative questions are not permitted and a new one would be deleted without reply and without refund of the posting fee.

You can definitely move on with no further worry about all this. Best wishes and stay safe.
