[Question #1468] Is it herpes or something else

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98 months ago

Hi Doc,

 I am an older guy who got hooked up with a swinging couple. The woman performed oral on me for about 20 seconds. About two weeks later I develop two flat red spots on the upper shaft of my penis about a half inch below the main hairline. I keep trim there and the hair was stating to grow back on the upper shaft where the red spots [bumps] were. There was NO fluid in them and they were spaced about ¾ of inch apart. They were entirely painless and the slightly bigger one has a shiny look to it. I could feel a thickness under them and that was it. The smaller one took 2.5 days for the redness to go and the bigger one 4 days but being fair skinned I could still see evidence of where they were and could feel a bump under the skin for about a week.

About  two weeks after that my penis got tender and developed a thin slightly red line on the back side only and a sensitive tip. It simply feels like sensitive nerves. No burning while urinating it just felt like it might have been rubbing on something which it has not. The head has returned to normal but the tip is still sensitive.

I have gone to the county STD clinic and have taken test for all STD’S, no results yet. They did not find any swollen glands etc. They said to wait another month before I take the herpes test. I also went to a urologist and he could find nothing in the ureatha. He said he didn’t know why it was sensitive but said the lesions did not sound like herpes.




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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
Have you ever in your life had a cold sore on your lip?  If yes, then you already have HSV 1 infection and it is extremely unlikely you would then get it in a new place on your body.  From your description, these do not sound herpetic to me.  Usually herpes lesions are not flat but rather water blisters.  I would agree with the urologist.  When you get your result, feel free to post them for me to review if you wish.

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98 months ago
 I have a couple of question: 
In my post I wrote the bumps were flat, I should have said  very slightly raised but NO fluid and painless. Also, could you address the last part of my post about the penis head and tip?  from what I read, seem like HSV could cause that, however the timing makes me think they are unrelated, would you agree?
 A couple more question are:
1-Does the fact that the red bumps subsided in just a few day seem to indicate they are more than likely not HSV related or do HSV lesion disappear rapidly?
 2-Can I get HSV 2 from oral sex performed on me?
3- From what you know from the posts should I be super stressed or do I have a good chance this is not HSV related?
 Also,I got the HIV and the Syphilis test backtoday-- NEG.  
Thanks again

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
Usually herpes lesions are fluid filled or ulcerated.  I would not expect the description to be  most flat for herpes lesions.  Were they tender or non-tender?  and usually, they do not disappear that quickly. 
If someone gets HSV 2 orally, recurrences and shedding are uncommon and so it would be very unlikely to be transmitted by giving someone oral sex.   I do NOT think you should be stressed about this, no.
You didn't answer my question about cold sores - have you ever had one?

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98 months ago
Sorry, I should have told you I have never had a cold sore and tested NEG last year for both HSV 1&2 , If you refer to my first and second posts I said they were painless slightly raised [maybe I should have called them pimples} and disappeared in a few days. 

You never have replied about the sensitive penis, is that out side your area of expertise? 
I am hoping  these were  hair follicles or something else that caused these red bumps for I have never had anything like them and they did show up after this event.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
The sensitive penis is somewhat unclear - can you be more descriptive about that?  Did it hurt at all, was it sensitive when you touched it, when it rubbed against underwear.?  Sensitivity alone without blisters does not suggest herpes to me.  Does something trigger the sensitivity or is it there all the time?  Did you notice hairs coming out of the slightly elevated flat areas that were red?  And they were not tender?  And the shiny part doesn't fit with herpes either but it does fit better with a possible fungal infection.  

