[Question #1485] Genital warts
93 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
93 months ago
93 months ago
Thank you Dr, Handsfield for your response. It has helped and I really appreciate it. I'm very scared and I know that I'm my own worst enemy with this stuff.
So after looking more closely at it, the one spot looks to be more on the base of the shaft of the penis on the right side (erect). The other is still more in the crease where the penis and scrotum start. They are between 1.5 to 2cm away from each other. They are both in areas where I have some hair. Anyway, 2 days ago, I started applying Apple Cider Vinegar to the spots a few times a day. It's been 48 hours now of doing this. The one spot that's in the crease last night developed what looked to be some pus (like a pimple) for a bit. I placed more ACV on it and the pus looking top was gone and then looked to have a hole in the center of it. Today it just looks like a pinkish spot with a center dot in it (from the hole). It is definitely harder to see than my other spot. The other spot (base shaft) is developing a dark center now like a scab after the ACV. I don't know if that means anything to you. Both of these spots started out more as bumps but seem to have become flatter. They are still slightly raised. Also, I do see a small pink bump now further in the middle of the penis also on the right side now, but it is smaller. Not sure if this is related. All these spots are on the right side however. I'm so stressed out and embarrassed over this.
I was looking more things up and came across something called Molluscum Contagiosum. Could this be a possibility? I'm just trying to figure out what this is and how I have this. I guess what I'm wondering is with applying ACV for 48 hours, does one (MC) react faster or different than the other (GW)? Does any of my descriptions help on what this could be?
One last question, I'm not sure if this is any relation but for the last year or so, my skin down there has been more sticky. Especially after a shower. I have to thoroughly dry off. I've been having to put powder down and around there or it gets very uncomfortable. Any idea if this is a real concern?
Anyway, I'm sorry for being such a pain. I'm just really paranoid and terrified about all this. I really appreciate your time. Thank you very much for your help again Dr. Handsfield.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
93 months ago