[Question #150] please help me !
111 months ago
I'm 25 male no tobacco or alcohol use I’m not diabetic and my
blood pressure is normal my problems started 8 months ago ,after a kiss
on my lips not a deep French kiss only her lips touched my lips !!!! Nothing
2 days after that started with a horrible pain on my neck later on I’ve
found out the pain is caused by my lymph nodes according to the doctor and
after he performed an ultra sound to see how large are they nothing serious he said,
but there is enlargement in the nick lymph nodes
mostly inflammatory or it could be a viral infection.
after that a very
bad fatigue and general weakness on my
body couple of weeks oral thrush with a very
bad dryness appeared on my tongue I've lost
about 11 KG of my weight don't know what happened everything turned to bad !!!.
Now days i have blurred vision knowing that my eyes were very good,
tremor all over my body! Especially my hands forget things very easily very bad
memory while i had very good memory please help me.
Unfortunately I've been poorly treated so I've tried to found out
what happened to me! Here are my blood tests
Monospot / Negative @ 3 Weeks
EBV Igg / positive
@ 3 weeks
EBV Igm / Negative
@ 3 Weeks
EBN1 IGg / positive
CMV Igg / positive
@ 9 Weeks
CMV Igm / Negative @ 9
(HSV)1 IgG / Negative @ 9
HSV 1 Igm / Negative
@ 9 weeks
HIV 1+2 (ag/ab) /Negative @ 33 weeks
(CD3+/CD4+) / 989
(CD3+/CD8+) / 923 H
CD4+/CD8+ ratio (1.1) low
Tongue swab culture / albicans candida
I've attached tests result and an image showing how bad is my oral
the worst thing I'm suffering from is the oral thrush it's
bothering me a lot can’t eat or drink easily like before very bad test in my
mouth so dry don't know how to treated I've tried everything that could help (daktarin
gel,oral hygiene, oral betadine , hydrogen peroxide , nystatin ,
Fluconazole 150 mg for 10 days , lamisil ) Nothing works I’m so
desperate .
My questions are:
Why my oral thrush aren't response for treatment, strongly resistance i
know that Fluconazole is very strong even aids patients will respond to it and
why my mouth is so dry I need to eat gum all the time to make it wet ? Please
tell me how to treat it !!!!
What is happening to me is it EBV or CMV but as i mentioned above IGM is
navigate and EBNA1 is positive so i think its past infection?
Is it Multiple sclerosis?
Is it cancer?
Is it Hiv but not showing on the test?
Or is it oral herpes but don’t any cold sores! and my test is navigate ?
why do I have low CD4 CD8 ratio (1.1)?
How come that I have oral thrushes while my CD4 count normal?
i checked my eyes retina they were good but i still have very bad blurred vision what is the reason ?
Please please help me solving my problems i just want to be as normal as
Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I will try to help. The evaluation you have already have had has been very extensive and as a result, the best thing I can do for you is to answer the specific questions that you have asked and then make a suggestion as to next steps.
Your laboratory tests do not suggest any specific problem. They show that you have had EBV and CMV at some time in the past but that your current, more acute symptoms are not due to these infections. They also show that you do not have HSV-1. Your CBC suggest that you may have a lingering, unidentified viral infection of the sort that most people get from time-to-time (most viral infections are not specifically identified- there is not specific therapy for them and they just need to run their course, thus to expend lots of money on defining what sort of virus is present is not too helpful. As for your CD4 ratio, this is meaningless. You have normal numbers of CD4 cells.
With respect to your specific questions:
What is happening to me is it EBV or CMV but as i mentioned above IGM is navigate and EBNA1 is positive so i think its past infection?
Please see comments about EBV and CMV above. Your tests show these are older, past infections.
Is it Multiple sclerosis? NO
Is it cancer? NO
Is it Hiv but not showing on the test? ABSOULTELY NOT!
Or is it oral herpes but don’t any cold sores! and my test is navigate ? You do not have oral herpes.
why do I have low CD4 CD8 ratio (1.1)? See comment above
How come that I have oral thrushes while my CD4 count normal?
I suspect your oral thrush, if that is what it is, is due to the sugar content of the gum you are chewing. It would be best if you could stop chewing the gum but, if you cannot, then I would change to sugarless gum. I have had several other patients with severe thrush due to eating or drinking sugary things which then go away when the sugar is eliminated. If this does not work, this may not be thrush but some other process which might be best approached through consultation with an ENT or oral surgeon.
i checked my eyes retina they were good but i still have very bad blurred vision what is the reason ? This may be your anxiety.
I hop my comments are helpful. EWH
111 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago
111 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago