[Question #1541] How likely is Herpes based on these symptoms?

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96 months ago

I had bloodwork done a year ago with no finding of HSV-2, but did have HSV-1 and I've had cold sores. Furthermore, I currently have some mollascum in my groin that I've been picking at the past two weeks that have scabbed over, as I've been very stressed with work. I haven’t slept much or eaten well either recently and have had a few weeks of on/off loose stools. 


Last Thursday I had unprotected sex. We'd slept together before and she's assured me she's never had any STIs symptoms. During that night she gave me oral that kind of hurt. We proceeded to have sex and then between next morning and the following day I began noticing a stinging sensation in the area between my testicles and my anus. This developed to the where I felt like there was a burning sensation around my scrotum and my groin was warm/uncomforatble in general. I felt like it was all hypersensitive and my anus was itchy a bit.


By Saturday I was constantly checking for bumps to see if I'd developed anything. I had a mild headache all the while, with a pretty mild fever, too. By Sunday I had tender lymph nodes on the right side of my groin and I began my full-blown freakout thinking I have herpes. By Tuesday the left side swelled too but the swollen lymph nodes went away around Wednesday/Thursday.


As of today, now a week later, I have no signs of lesions or anything abnormal and my lymph nodes are no longer swollen. I do have pain in my lower abdomen, a sort of burning sensation deep inside. I also have this constant feeling like I have something I need to pass out of my stomach or pelvis, as if there's something deep in my intestines or penis or something. The skin around my groin is still a bit sensitive. I also feel kind of crampy in my pelvis and when I pass stools the lining around my anus stings for a bit.


What I want to know is based on that information how likely is it that I have herpes that happened not to develop lesions? Or could it be something else like a UTI or appendicitis or some other STD/infection? Just stress?

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
I don't suspect herpes in your situation as you've had nothing that sounds like lesions.  Also, the symptoms that you are having don't sound like herpes in any way.  Honestly, to me, this sounds more like something might be going on with your prostate gland -have you ever had prostate problems in the past?  This feeling of something deeper going on between the testicles and anus fits with the location of the prostate as well as feeling a bit crampy in the pelvis.  Have you seen your health care provider about this concern?

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96 months ago
Hello, I am a young guy and I haven't had any prostate issues in the past but I suppose it's a possibility. Does none of this really sound like herpes to you? It seems like no coincidence that it is all occurring immediately after I had unprotected sex. Furthermore the pain of the burning in the area below my testicles has gotten much worse in the last two days. I can barely sit for a few minutes before it feels like it's all on fire. There's also some burning of the skin on my penis but not nearly as severe and it still doesn't hurt when I pee. It's mostly located in that area between my testicles and anus. It's especialy painful whenever my skin rubs into other skin. 

Is there any way to get Dr. Handsfield to way in on this as well? 

I saw a doctor and they essentially told me to stop worrying but I feel like this is no joke - the pain has gotten very bad and I don't even know what to ask the doctor to look for. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
No, nothing here sounds like herpes to me.  Are you having pain directly in the testicles or just in the area between the testicles and anus? 
May I ask why you had herpes testing done a year ago?  Was that standard or did you have symptoms?

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96 months ago
That was just out of safety. I have never had symptoms. And no I mean the skin is burning but there is no visible sign of a rash. Like the skin between by testicle and anus is burning, as is the lining around my anus. I suppose some vaginal fluid could've leaked down there if I was ever exposed to something but I'm having a hard time thinking it's anything but herpes based on my online research as I experienced swollen groin lymph nodes, had a mild fever and have a burning sensation down there for a week now... any other suggestions? 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
The other options other than something prostatic would something bacterial on the skin or some fungal like yeast.  Without lesions, I still herpes is unlikely in this scenario.  Your symptoms developing right away after the contact speaks against having herpes as does the lack of lesions and statistically low risk of having a one time sexual encounter, even though  it was unprotected.  It may be worth asking her about testing once again, specifically asking about herpes testing.  It's too early to get any reliable testing at this time, if you were thinking about doing that.  I've run your post by Dr. Handsfield to see if he has other ideas.

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96 months ago
Fantastic, thank you for running that by him. At this point I'm pretty worried and any sort of answer would be so helpful. I've wonder if my picking at the mollascum could have caused me to get the swollen lymph nodes by introducing some bacteria to the area and that perhaps the skin burning is due to some sort of fungus I might have picked up. Or perhaps I'm just trying to make too many excuses for things it could be other than herpes since I don't want it to be that. 

How early would you recommend I try to get tested and are there other things you think I should ask my doctor to test for besides just herpes while I'm at it? 

Also, Merry Xmas!!!
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96 months ago
Hello, just wanted to check back in and see if either you or Dr. Handsfield have any further thoughts? 

I'm still feeling pretty confused by the entire ordeal. I thought that my swollen lymph nodes had completely gone away but I notice that they're still a bit tender but there has still been no sign of lesions. I got tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea and they came back negative and I plan on getting tested for Herpes in a few days since that'll have been over two weeks, but  I remain worried about spreading any potential infections I may have. 

Again, any thoughts on what could have caused my swollen lymph nodes and burning sensation between my anus and testicles? If it was in fact herpes do you believe this would be an initial outbreak or a reoccurrence? 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
Dr. Handsfield does not think this sounds like herpes either.  He also thinks you might consider a fungal infection for the skin burning between the anus and testicles.
