[Question #1556] your opinion

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97 months ago
Hi there. I visited a massage parlor about 1 month, to 1.5 months ago. I got completely naked and layed face down the on table. the masseuse was wearing lingerie (not thong but porous underwear). During the massage she sat on my lower back / buttocks region and masaged my back for 10 or so minutes. She ended with a handjob with her legs (mid thigh) clenching and humping my leg (no genital contact). I didn't worry at first because its my understanding from my own research that it is not a risky exposure. 8 days ago when o was taking a shower that there was an abrasion like soar on my butt with bloches of redness just below. I started panicking and was vary stressed. The next morning i woke up with painless patches of blotchy redness on my right butt, hip and upper thigh. they were kinda rough to the touch. There started to be a delicate ache at the base of my tailbone. The one abrasion like soar wasn't extremely painful, but noticeable. I visited planned parenthood to have it examined and was told it did not look like herpes but more like a fungal infection and i shouldn't worry about it. I don't think i had any enflamed nodes, no fever, no juicyness. I was worried sick so i lost alot of my appetite for a few days. I would just like to hear your opinion on the matter
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
There just isn't anything in your post that describes a situation that presents a risk for acquiring herpes.  Nothing.  The parts of your body that would be vulnerable to herpes didn't come in contact with parts of her body that could infect you.  It sounds like there was a lot of friction in the area of concern here and that could have resulted in some red irritated areas for sure.  I don't believe herpes from this contact is a worry here.

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97 months ago
Great! Thank you for the reply, that is vary reassuring. Actually not 10 min more like a couple minutes. One more question if you font mind. If she were completely naked, would transmission be possible then?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
If she was only sitting on your lower back and buttocks while doing the massage, that does not present a risk for herpes, no.  The skin on the back and buttocks is too thick for herpes virus to penetrate.  Even if she was stark naked, this would not present a risk for you.

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97 months ago
Great! Thank you vary much for taking the time to answer my questions. Just curios, you say if she were just sitting. What would it take for such a situation to transmit herpes?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
I should have said sitting, rubbing, rocking, grinding, all of those things.  The point is that the skin is too thick for virus to penetrate, if she happened to have herpes and happened to be shedding virus at that moment.  Lots of if's there!
